Sunday, March 03, 2024

Peace In Our Electoral Time!


From a somewhat suspect newsey clickbaitish site called 'The Economic Times':

"On Friday (February 23rd), the world’s 20 largest tech companies and social-media platforms signed an accord, “The Tech Accord to Combat Deceptive Use of AI in 2024 Elections”, at the Munich Security Conference. This is a commitment to prevent deceptive artificial-intelligence (AI) content from interfering in elections."

If he hasn't already, I'm pretty sure that Cory Doctorow will soon weigh in on how this thing is nothing more than a very shoddy shallow fake designed to convince us that the digital overlords are actually doing something serious to prevent the ongoing onslaught of obstreperous attacks on liberal democracies, worldwide (including in Canuckistanmikitaville), that make them piles and piles and piles of monopoly money.


1 comment:

  1. Trust Facebook? Trust "X", trust any social media company? These guys are like 19th century hucksters selling snake oil to the rubes.

    They have no souls and if one doesn't have soul, they cannot be trusted because there is no remorse.
