Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Graph For British Columbia's Young People.


Norman Farrell is a numbers guy.

And his numbers never lie.

Here is one of Norm's latest graphs that is based on such numbers:


Any young person in British Columbia who is just starting out and wondering if they should take a chance on either the BC Soccer Party or the HardRockConCandy Party might want to consider what their life would be like if they were living on one of those flat blue lines.

Norm's larger point
is that rising minimum wages don't wreck economies - and he has the numbers to back that up as well in this post...Of course, some return-to-work older folks, who are probably more likely to be in in the Soccer and/or HardCon target demo, might want to think a little about that rising orange line as well before they cast their votes in the upcoming election.
And, as for all that talk of a coming Soccer/HardCon PartyParty amalgamation that has been making its way through the Promedia herd recently...The Dean of the Legislative Press Gallery ruminates on the forced extremist, expedient-driven floor vote fusion that took place in the ledge this week.
Earworm in the Subheader?...This!....And, for the real older than olds....This!



  1. What we are seeing is a big change in demographics, as the boomers are dying out and there are fewer young'uns to do menial jobs, hence the federal Liberal's daft immigration policy.

    Fewer workers, cause wages to increase, as they have more clout, but with the Liberals flooding the market with the newly arrived, is a desperate attempt to keep wages down.

    The big problem I see is that those earning over $100K are doing their best to increase their stipends and at the same time screaming for reduced taxes.

    There is something wrong with this picture as the so called "global economy" combined with "vulture capitalism" is decimating the middle class and middle class jobs and soon we will be the land of the rich and the poor, supporting the rich.

    As our economic system is now based on pure greed, with most of the pension plans heavily invested in major corporations and indeed manipulating the economy, the future looks very shaky.

    There is not one politcal party looking 20 minutes into the future.

  2. Tho cali might be reaching the upper limit in 2024 for min wage for lining wage?

    Ndp bc got rid of MSP premiums
    Tolls on 2 bridges

    Yes bc libs took coke hwy roll off

    Leadership by polling and outsourcing/ consulting results?

  3. Don't forget the BC Liberals " training wage" that was lower than the minimum wage!


  4. TB--

    Good point!

    I'm sure the HardRockCondyMiners would never reinstitute something like that, in BC, right?


  5. would never reinstitute something like that, in BC..
    Should the born again conservatives ever take power the training wage could well be replaced by the ,
    Introduction to serfdom and be happy act!


  6. Its always fun to hear the various corporate/business community cry they'll go broke if workers receive a 50 cent an hour increase or have sick days. They then say they won
    't survive without subsidies. When people on pensions or welfare say they need money to eat, its we can't afford that, it will cause the whole economy to collapse, well thats what it sounds like some times.

    I've heard it so long, I'm amazed the country is still standing and business is still in business. Takes me back to Broadbent's line about Corporate Welfare or it might have been Lewis.

    Yes, Norm's figures are excellent. He sure knows his numbers. After all once upon a time he was an accountant and a very good one. Nothing got by him. I'd love for him to go through the books of B.C. Hydro.

    If the conservatives take over government here in the province and/or Ottawa the first thing we will see is cut back, because they need to "balance the budget". Social programs will be rolled back, I expect they will re institute B.C. Med fees and some government workers may see their salaries rolled back. Lets not forget el gordo firing all the hospital cleaners, contracting out the work and those workers who stayed with the contractors needed two jobs to make ends meet. Harper's first cut was all funding for Women's groups. Expect PP to do the same, he was after all part of Harper's gang.
    People just need to ask themselves when was the last time a Conservative government actually provided a new social program which helped people. Lets not forget the federal government is still trying to fix the Phonix computer system which was going to "save" the Conservatives money on staff. Well a few billion later its still not working, there are still federal government workers who don't have the correct paycheques.

  7. I often wonder what a real, on paper, world would look like?
    From the Conservative view; take away free healthcare, rid ourselves of unemployment benefits etc,etc.
    Then take away the corporate welfare such as subsidies for larger organisations , marketing boards, bringing the Olympics or world cup of football to town, trade barriers and tariffs, etc.
    Welfare is that in the eye of the recipient; no?
    We live in a world of welfare!
    How it is distributed seems to be the issue..

