Saturday, April 13, 2024

Oversight? We Don't Need No Stinking Oversight!


First it was the Parks Board.

Now it appears that the ruling Vancouver city council has gone after the Police Board.

Dan Fumano of the Vancouver Sun has that much overlooked story:

...In December, Vancouver council slashed two-thirds of the proposed budget for the Vancouver police board, the independent governance body for the Vancouver Police Department.

The decision received no public attention at the time — even some city councillors said this week they did not realize it had happened.

The mayor’s office says the reduction was a necessary response to “very dramatic” recent increases in board spending...


What's next, gaming library oversight?

Oh, wait.

Image at the top of the post?
...A Vancouver Archives photo of the VPD in 1886 in front of a makeshift city hall after the fire...From a 2020 historical piece by John Mackie in the VSun.
Need something to listen to without a million bleating commercials? (and that includes, unfortunately, most podcasts these days - the salad days are over)...Here's occasional reader Glen talking to SFU's Community Engagement Office about his life and times for an hour or so ...There's a nugget in there that you may not have heard (I certainly hadn't), which is that it was Dave Barrett that first hooked Mr. Clark up with Jimmy Pattison.



  1. province already shut down muni auditor?

  2. Politicians hate oversight as it tends to show, ineptitude, stupidity and even criminal intent.

    I can give an example of oversight.

    From a letter from American transit expert, Gerald Fox in an Email to me.

    In the US, all new transit projects that seek federal support are now subjected to scrutiny by a panel of transit peers, selected and monitored by the federal government, to ensure that projects are analyzed honestly, and the taxpayers interests are protected. No SkyTrain project has ever passed this scrutiny in the US.

    Second along the same lines.

    We are spending now over $11 billion to extend the Expo and Millennium Lines a mere 21.7 km. There is no oversight on our transit planning or oversight.

    As i said, politicians hate oversight.

  3. Umm no... this smacks of retaliation more like.
