Friday, May 03, 2024

Mr. Mayor, You Keep On Using That Word.


From a report by Les Leyne in Glacier Media on  the huge increase in the cost of hosting World Cup soccer games in Lotusland:

“We are literally hosting 30 to 40 Super Bowl equivalents,” he (Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim) said.


Inconceivably, Mr. Sim keeps on using that word, literally.

As Inigo Montoya might say.... I do not think it means what he thinks it means.



  1. Sim is a puppet of the Elite Booster Class that lives in Vancouver.

    My taxes are going up to pay for a crappy transit system because Translink gold plates everything, yet we got to ante up $500 million so expensive soccer players can play making profit for their owners.

    Way to much hype and like way, way to much brass to pay for other peoples fun.

  2. Agree with Evil Eye.

    This little shin dig is going to cost over 500M. gee what could the province do with that amount of money? Surrey school board needs an infusion of cash, day care for kids this summer, more teachers, teachers' aides.
    Open a few more seats in U.B.C.'s Medical school and spend some money to get foreign trained doctors and nurses into our work force, build a few homes for the disabled and seniors and only charge 25% of their income. Might be nice if some of them were built in non Metro area.
    O.K. I've spent the $500M.

    Its time to stop the bread and circus routine. O.K. there isn't any bread, just the circus and most can't afford to go, who live in this province.

    It truly is about time our tax dollars stop being spent on these events. The money needs to be spent else where like health and education.

    Wonder if we have paid off the bills from the Os
