Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Hardest Part.


“With the exception of safe drinking water, vaccines have been the most successful medical interventions of the 20th century,” he (Paul Parkman) wrote in Food and Drug Administration Consumer, an agency journal, in 2002.

“As I look back on my career, I have come to think that perhaps I was involved in the easy part,” he added. “It will be for others to take on the difficult task of maintaining the protections that we struggled to achieve. We must prevent the spread of this vaccine nihilism, for if it were to prevail, our successes could be lost.”

In the late 1960's he, Harry Myers, Hope Hopps and Ruth Kirschstein developed the first vaccine against rubella which soon helped eradicate the virus, which causes miscarriages, still births and birth defects, from 81 countries, including all of North America.

And, even way back in 2002, Dr. Parkman thought that developing, testing and demonstrating the population-based efficacy of the vaccine was the easy part.

As for the hard part - stopping the spread of vaccine nihilism - it seems to have gotten even harder, if not hardest, during the ensuing two decades.

Especially given that such nihilism is now being spread in the name of political expediency.

To wit, the following, from last fall:

...Vaccine mandates became a key wedge issue in the 2021 federal election, seeing the Liberals contrast their plan to impose federal inoculation rules against (Pierre) Poilievre's predecessor Erin O'Toole's opposition to them. The policy was rolled out in October 2021 and then rolled back in June 2022, seeing unvaccinated workers who were put on leave able to resume their duties.

"The (current) Prime Minister (Justin Trudeau) has withdrawn and apologized for some of the extremely incendiary and divisive comments(opens in a new tab) he made about Canadians who made different medical decisions than he would have made," (Opposition Leader and current polling-based PM in waiting Pierre) Poilievre said.

"Adopting this bill (against vaccine mandates) would be a recognition that this ugly chapter in our history of turning Canadian against Canadian and using a public health matter to pull apart our country and grab more power is permanently behind us."..

Enough said?

Earworm in the header?...Cue Mr. Petty and Company!



  1. "Adopting this bill (against vaccine mandates) would be a recognition that this ugly chapter in our history of turning Canadian against Canadian and using a public health matter to pull apart our country and grab more power is permanently behind us."..

    I love the uneducated! Trump!
    We have too many Trumps in Canada and a willing press/media that gives them a pulpit to cry from.
    Such is the power of sensationalist advertising that unfettered capitalism gives us disguised as news!

  2. The anti-vaxers are, to put it bluntly, ignorant and why am I not surprised as Canada has become the land of the ignorant.

    How has this come about?

    Well, just to diss everyone, our education system and how it has failed the average Canadian. Sadly, our education system leaves a lot of people behind, as they fail to grasp concepts and this leads to ignorance because they have bottomed out and drift through until graduation and end up with nothing jobs or worse.

    It is a national shame.

    Our universities, instead being those ivied halls of learning, have become degree mills, a profit centre preying upon international students.

    Very few are leaving university with anything useful but diplomas that will guarantee them better jobs than those without. Our bureaucracy is made up with this sort of thing.

    Then we have religion, preaching very dated concepts, with many believing the myths and superstitions. We have let religion dictate a lot of nonsense and allowed religions to continue this nonsense through religious schools.

    Trouble is, we have stopped thinking and when people stop thinking they accept nonsense as fact and have let the anti-vax nonsense become mainstream.

    Until we change and bring critical thinking back into our education system, until we control religion from being anti-science; until we truly educate everyone, we will slip back into the dark ages of goblins, trolls, and Polio.

  3. I am just going to leave this here, with no comment.
