Friday, May 10, 2024

Winslow Arizona On The Fraser?


This time we're not talking about gambling.

Instead, the topic of the day is drought:

Parts of British Columbia will likely enter "unfamiliar territory" with drought if they see another hot, dry summer, says the head of the province's River Forecast Centre...


...Pockets of the Interior are especially dry. (The B.C. River Forecast Centre's Dave) Campbell said he's most worried about the effects of drought on smaller rivers and creeks in the central Interior.

"Prince George, Quesnel, Williams Lake, Vanderhoof, that's kind of the hot spot, and then the other (area) that would be a concern would be up in the northeast," he said...

Meanwhile, the very fine fellow who was kicked out of the provincial soccer party for, at least in part, wurlitzering anti-climate science propaganda and stating that "real harm" is being done by global climate policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions is now apparently in a dead heat (pun very much intended) with Mr. Eby:

...Among decided voters, the company’s (Yorkville Strategies) survey found 37 per cent support for the Conservatives under leader John Rustad and 35 per cent for Premier David Eby’s incumbent NDP...


First quoted story, unbylined, in the Canadian Press...Second quoted story from Andrew MacLeod in The Tyee....But...Beware the reappearance of the Pantazopoulos and take his alleged 3.9% MOE with a very large grain of salt.
Image at the top of the post...Low water levels in the Quesnel where it meets the Fraser last winter...From a piece by Frank Peebels in the Quesnel Cariboo Observer.
Obliquious, non brain-eating ear worms in the header and the subheader?...This! and This!



  1. Here is the problem environmentally and politically.

    Politically, the NDP are not the NDP of old, rather a Gordon Campbell.Christie Clark Lite party.

    Same old, same old.

    The Carbon Tax is a placebo, for government (provincially or federally) pretending to do something, but in fact doing nothing. The Carbon Tax just goes into general revenue and the government spends it on dubious programs and even more dubious politcal friends.

    Have you had enough, Kevin Falcon, is seen as Gordon Campbell retread, ready to sell off the remaining BC assets to politcal friends and insiders.

    John Rustad is the new boy on the block and with all the Trumpian/election denial right wing in the USA, there is a natural seepage of this daft philosophy entering in the Canadian politic.

    Rustad is the new boy on the block, talking in simplistic terms, that the most uneducated voter understands.

    Eby, like Trudeau, is a flake (I know those in the NDP will, take umbrage, but he is a Vancouver West Side Boy who thinks he is better than us. In fact he is Vision Vancouver Clone and his Premiership is due to the backroom Visionistas support.) and he thinks he can buy voters with jew-jaws like a #110 ICBC rebate. If you want to bribe voters think five figures at least!

    Eby & Co have so mishandled the climate change portfolio; mishandled the NDP's antisemitic problem; so mishandles the drug problem; so mishandled just about everything; that the voter will vote Conservative as a protest.

    For me, I am voting Green, but I am afraid I am a small minority and to be truthful, I think Eby is just as dangerous as Premier as John Rustad would be.

    Again, those who are diehard NDP, will take umbrage, but that is how I see it, the voter is fed up with the status quo.

  2. This voter isn't feed up with Eby. Don't expect the Conservative Party to be of any help if they are elected. If voters choose the Cons, they get what they deserve. Just check next door in Alberta or down the highway at Ontario.

    Green Party, not so much. They won't form government. There is also the matter of that one little section of the national party's "manifesto" which gives me the creeps and makes me nervous.

    Don't know what people expect from the NDP and EBy, its not like we are the only province or country in this position.
    Every government for the last 40 some odd years has contributed to the problems we have today. This is what you get when keeping taxes low and avoid dealing with issues like building affordable housing, adequate schools, sufficient teachers, not enough money to live on for families and disabled, not enough shrinks to deal with people's mental states, selling land to people who don't live here or use it for purposes other than living in.
    Most voters wanted to make money and many did. Then it got to the point where their kids and grandkids couldn't afford to buy or rent and the social problems left the DTES and went main stream. Now we have a problem???? I can remember back in the 1980s there were teachers who supplied some students with food because their families didn't have enough to eat. It was still happening 10 years ago. No planning for future health care. It wasn't as if no one could figure out doctors, nurses, etc. were going to retire, they were mostly aging baby boomers. Did we do anything ? No. Well we did, we continued to have universities accept medical students from Saudi and they got most of the residencies. Foreign trained doctors even if they were Canadian citizens couldn't get certified here.

    Back to watching the province burn. Too bad el gordo didn't implement the study recommendations from the study he commissioned after the fire some years ago in Kelowna.

    With low water levels it might become more difficult to fight fires. Welcome to the life you voted for.

    Oh, well if people don't mind the low water levels and drought I'm sure they won't mind the forest fires sitting on the edge of Fort Nelson. As long as it doesn't effect them its business as normal.
