Saturday, September 21, 2024

I Read The News Today, Oh Boy...


...And decided to go read Mr.  Dr. Beer 'N Hockey instead:

...No government in Canada (Manitoba is still catching up after the recent 7 year rule of a f*cked up Conservative government very much like BC's own Conservatives) got us through the Covid years better. This is notable because emergencies are when governments are supposed to shine yet rarely do so.

Despite the enormous challenges faced over the past four years our province has continued to excel. The outlook for housing, healthcare, the environment, community safety, employment, affordability and more all look promising. The Taylor Swift Free Press trusts David Eby to continue to fulfill that promise and deliver more of what British Columbians need in the next four years...

Fire away!

ear worm in the sub-header is a bit of stretch, although it does have tangential relevance to one of our most difficult problems that will not be solved by throwing harm reduction out with the bath water...Beer, as is his want, goes for something a little more traditional from the Bard of Barking.



Chuckstraight said...

I agree with the Doctor.

RossK said...


Ahhh, yes...Must correct given his new credentials!


GarFish said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GarFish said...

Preach, Preach, Preach to that choir!

e.a.f. said...

looking a the picture of Barrett, omg, he looked young, but that reporter looks like Webster and much younger than I remembered,
enjoyed the picture

RossK said...




Evil Eye said...

Um ........... I think Dr. Beer has had too much of the suds.

From my viewpoint, Eby, well, er ......... is more like Christie Clarks reign, more than anything .... delusional. The NDP have turned into Vision Vancouver Provincial - out of touch.

Housing is a fiasco; the municipal government are running wild and healthcare, well just thank your lucky stars you do not live in the "Hurtlands".

Outside Metro Vancouver, it is a fiasco and the NDP have turned their collective backs on any sound fiscal course and believe in the mantra that higher taxes will solve everything.

Sorry, both the NDP and Conservatives are toxic in my book.

e.a.f. said...

Evil Eye, Must disagree with you. Given the circumstances Eby is doing a decent job. He at least is trying in very difficult times. Yes, there are service concerns regarding health care in rural parts of B.C., but there is a world wide shortage of doctors and you can not force doctors to work where they don't want to.
The drug problems are unfortunate but that is what you get when previous governments did nothing about the drug problems. When the provincial health officer declared a health emergency in b.C. due to high death rates for fent. users, Christy Clark was premier and I do believe Rustad was in that government. what did she and her gang do? Nothing, nothing, nothing. Didn't even talk about it.
Homelessness has been a problem in B.C. since the 1980s. This has all been coming for a long time. We may argue with what Eby is doing, but lets be clear the previous governments didn't do squat about the issues.
If you don't want drug addicts running around, well you start by ensuring kids live better lives and get the help they need if there are health concerns. You ensure their parents have enough money to feed, cloth and house them.
Rustad can yapp all he wants but if he plans on closing the safe injection sites, the dying on the streets will increase and we will be back to where we were.
Changing laws to confine people to what will become hell holes will wind up in the Supreme Court and they'll most likely tell the province they can't incarcerate people in those cases.
Conservatives have never been that good at things pertaining to social needs. In Ontario, ;which of course has a Conservative government a child dies every three days under
Ontario's care network. That translates into 1,062 deaths of children in 2021, 456 of those deaths met the criteria for a corner's investigation.
Some of those running for the Conservative Party in B.C. are simply retreads of the Socred, B.C. Lieberal, B.C. United party. We've been down that road before. I for one am not looking forward to a repeat of all that mess.
In Edmonton some citizens have woken up and found campers on their front lawns. Here they are in the shopping areas. My view is, people are complaining about the homeless because they are in areas they historically weren't. Get over it. This is the world you voted for.

Yes, there is crime caused by people who are sick but no one in the past has wanted to spend the money to deal with the issue. We don't have enough doctors, nurses, etc. There is a shortage in any number of countries around the world. We're doing better than most. If you want rolls royce service, be ready to pay for it. Given people didn't even want to pay the minimal cost of health care premiums in the past, it would require the government to increase taxes and we know how all of you like paying taxes. People might want to get a grip, things cost money. One level of government or another will have to pay but that money comes from only one source, taxpayers.
Privitization will not work for the majority of people. they can't afford it. Yes, people complain they have to wait for surgeries, but hey you do get it and its pretty much free. In other countries you won't ever get it.
As to housing affordability, when this all started in the 1970s people thought it was wonderful, they were making money selling their homes and moving to less expensive areas. Having always kept an eye on the real estate market, its been interesting to see it increase in value year over year and then of course B.C. had some extra pressures in that area. Its only now when people can't afford to purchase homes that they are complaining. You reap what you sow. Had various levels of government kept up with building co-ops and other forms of housing we would not be where we are today. We have been very good at not planning for the future. Many did not want to see the future. Did people actually think that Canada's population would not increase?