Tuesday, September 24, 2024

What, He Worry?


In case you missed it, it looks like Kevin Falcon's demolition of the B.C. Soccer Party is going to cost you and yours money.

The following is from a report by Karin Larsen published by the CBC last week before the writ came down:

Taxpayers could be bailing out B.C. United for upwards of a million dollars for the severance owed to 25 of the party's caucus employees who are about to lose their jobs.

The Official Opposition party brought the request to the Legislative Assembly Management Committee (LAMC) on Monday because it doesn't have enough money to cover the severances.

A motion to "authorize" and "facilitate" the severance packages was passed by the committee after in-camera discussion. Committee member and government House leader Ravi Kahlon told CBC News the price tag will be over a million dollars...


Should the Mr. Falcon have foreseen this significant consequence of his action and built this expense into the deal he made with the honourable Mr. Rustad?

Of course he should have:

...LAMC and Green Party member Adam Olsen said whatever money is left in B.C. United caucus and non-returning MLA constituency coffers will be used for the severances first. Only then will additional dollars from the legislative assembly budget kick in.

"This was [LAMC] doing our business and this was us recognizing that all this funding comes from the legislature anyway," said Olsen. "This is something Kevin Falcon probably should have dealt with before shutting down operations."...

And, even if Mr. Rustad had not ponied up, it's not like Mr. Falcon does not have friends with deep pockets.

After all, he once raised big money, in just one night, for that noted paragon of good sense and good government that I'm sure all of those former Soccer Party centrist voters could get behind, Maxime Bernier.

And don't get me wrong...These folks, some of whom apparently worked for the previous iteration of the Soccer Party for as much as two decades, should receive their severance...It's just somewhat surprising that Mr. Falcon seems not to have thought of/taken care of these long term loyalists before he pushed the self-destruct button.



  1. Of course he should have, but the staff were never considered. they ought to have had a union.
    The staff were there for his convience and were disposible. How Falcon treated staff was much like they treated the voters in B.C. If you were not of use to them, they ignored you, didn't provide services to you, etc. Why do you think for all those years Christy Clark deducted, dollar for dollar, the child support money children received from the non costodial parent's disability cheques. It left a child and parent living on $1,200 a month. What was so interesting about all of this, was during that time MLAs were receiving $1,200 a month in a housing allowance each and every month while the Leg. was sitting or not. People need to remember, if you are no longer useful to those you work for, you're gone from the job, and gone from their minds. You are no longer of use to them. Let the tax payers pick up whatever is necessary. Kevin moves on. Rustad never thought of it either. So now that you know how they treated staff, do you want to be treated in a similar manner.
    Some times people who do these types of things just sail though life, but some times what goes around, comes around.

  2. It'll take another generation, or two, before the grand-youths of today's BC Liberals, will ever consider joining a Party.


    'The BC United Youth are the political voice of students and young professionals working to promote free enterprise values, to ensure that tomorrow's BC is even better than today's.'

  3. Termination slips https://members.leg.bc.ca/home/gettingstarted/managing-your-constituency-office/constituency-office-staffing/

  4. Kevin Falcon was always the wrong choice, BC's version of J. D. Vance as was Campbell, being a precursor to Trump and Trumpism.

    It was the BC Liberal puppeteers who wanted Falcon as leader, but like the "bird (cooked goose now)" the puppeteers were lost in a Lotus Land ennui, still thinking it was 2010 and all that.

    Not to worry, the puppeteers now have Visionista Eby in their pocket and that damage that would have been done by the "Birds" politcal party is being done by the NDP.

    Birds of a feather, flock together in BC.

    In BC, politcans never own up to or pay for the damage they have done and fall back on the taxpayer to pay for past peccadilloes.

    In the the 2020's , the song remains the same, whoever is in power, with MAGA style bases support for all politcal parties, a 19th century politcal system, real change will never happen.

    In BC we are fast becoming a one party state, with the only change are those on the receiving end of the politcal lolly (at tax payer's expense), doled out to party favourites by the party who wins the election.
