Monday, August 12, 2024

The Lord of Litigation.


Awhile back, Mr. Conrad Black, writing in the newspaper he once owned, had the back of his good friend, and sometimes Mar-A-Lago- adjacent man about Palm Beach town,  Mr. Harold Peerenboom.

According to Mr. Black, Mr. Peerenboom once helped him out with 'residential matters' while he was dealing with a 'pressing tax problem':

As this is my last column here before Christmas, and in 2019, I would like to make it a gift, in this case to my friend Harold Peerenboom, who did me a favour three years ago. He assisted me in residential matters when I was dealing with a pressing tax problem; I am making other arrangements now, and this is not intended to repay his favour, but is an arm’s-length gesture of solidarity with a friend of more than 50 years, who has been mired in intense legal combat in the United States, a subject of which I, too, have had some experience...


Fast forwarding to now, it would appear that things have soured between the good Mr. Black and the peerless Mr. Peerenboom after things went south with that little 'residential matter' Lord Black mentioned five years ago.

The following is from Kevin Jiang's news(ish) round-up in last Friday's Star:

The ex-media baron (Black) is suing his old friend Harold Peerenboom for $12 million after he sold Black’s “ancestral home,” Jacques Gallant reports. Peerenboom bought the Bridle Path mansion in 2016 for $14 million, after the CRA found Black owed $15 million in unpaid taxes. The two allegedly made a verbal contract to split the profits — but when it sold for $36.5 million last year, Black didn’t see a dime...


Is it possible that there no honour among, well...

You know.



Evil Eye said...

Nothing like the wealthy, suing the wealthy to give us good sport.

The Eye has seen this before, when a wealthy relative's estate, was suing her late husband's estate, over monies that were stolen by the executor, who happened to be the executor of both estates.

God be my witness, this was true and as what was left to the Eye's family in the will was largely was stolen by the executor, only leaving items deemed to have no monetary value.

We washed our hands of the whole affair and that was that.

Nothing like money to keep the courts and lawyers solvent.

e.a.f. said...

What goes around, comes around. Sometimes the mysteries of the world do send a message to some, they too can become, "victims" of "fate"
It never nice to rip off people, no matter if they are rich. But in this case perhaps it will give old Black an idea of how others he negatively impacted felt. O.K. I'm going to continue laughing now. Perhaps its time to bring out my bottle of B & B and have a shot with my next coffee.
The world sometimes works in mysterious ways!

Lew said...

When my friends help me out (and I, them), with “residential matters”, it typically involves mowing lawns when one is on vacation, building a fence, or getting moss off the roof. Selling our respective homes to a buddy to deal with CRA liens (allegedly) and then immediately leasing back never seems to come up. Guess we’re just lucky.

But the arrangement that really roused my W5 senses was described in this paragraph:

“Though small, the Palm Beach Police Department is sophisticated and takes good care of that astronomically rich community (the deputy chief was a non-paying tenant in my guest house there for a couple of years during his divorce proceedings, and I saw how thorough that force was).”

Who got lucky there?

keith said...

His lordship wrote a book in which he said nice things about trump.

trump pardoned him. Nuff said.

RossK said...


Really sorry to hear about all that...You're tale of executors gone way, way wrong put's me in mind of a great old Mountain Goats tune about the 'some things you'll do for money'...

I dunno about that eaf--

After all if the good Lord didn't get the message in his dealings with David Radler, well...



'non-paying tenant in my guest house'?

Most interesting, but...

Not all re-payments for such a magnanimous favour need come in the form of dollar bills.




Evil Eye said...

Mr. Ross

Oh, there is much more to the story and I look upon it as pure comedy and how desperate people are to cheat other people.

It is a life lesson for me. Avoid greed at all costs.

If we ever have a coffee, I will tell you the full story because in hind sight, I have been literally a "fly on the wall".

RossK said...

Looking forward to it EE- fly on the wall stories are the very best ones!
