Friday, March 18, 2005

Mushie Goes Yard

This Year's Model
WMDVille, Pakistan

Unlike baseball players, dictators don't need steroids to hit the long bomb.

"Pakistan successfully test-fired its longest-range, nuclear-capable missile Saturday.....

The Shaheen II missile has a range of 1,250 miles and it successfully hit the target, said Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan, a spokesman for the Pakistan army....

President Gen. Pervez Musharraf witnessed the test and congratulated the missile's developers, the military said in a statement.

"This missile which incorporates an advanced two-stage solid motor technology, can carry all types of conventional and nuclear warheads," the statement said."

Which got us to wondering.....Was it his highestmajor(non)demodomo Generalissimo Musharraf who took those WMD's from under the Twig's Oval Office couch?

To paraphrase the Rumskullian One.... "You go to war with the Dictators you have, not the Dictators you wished you had." (although some might dispute that with respect to the Italian guy).


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