Friday, March 18, 2005

The (red)Meat Shall Inherit The Earth


Was good to hear SS Gordon Campbell spinmeistress Erin Airton call in Rafe Mair's show from the Conservative Alliance Convention this morning.

Not that Ms. Airton had much to say of substance, because every time a remotely tough question was asked she jumped in before his Mairness was finished by yelling 'Absolutely!'

In fact it was such a transparent demonstration of the old 'Cut 'em Off at the Pass with Bluster' spincycle strategy that one got the impression that if Rafe had asked......

"Is it true that Stephen Harper is an unhinged, raving lunatic who is actually the Manchurian Trojan Horse Candidate of the Ailene Chretien Wing of the neoKinsellerFeller Whig'-O-Tronic Party?"

......that Airton would have jumped in with an:

"Absolutely Rafe!
And this is something we will try our hardest to reach consensus on by Monday."

But all of that speculation is neither here nor there when it comes to us here in B.C.

Because what was most illuminating was when Ms. Airton identified herself as a member of the far-right FundieWing of the BigHoley Alliance Tent reportedly headquartered high in the rafters of the SkyWalkBar of Calgary International Airport.

Which is a very important thing to remember the next time you see, hear or read Ms. Airton shilling for Mr. Campbell and the so-called B.C. 'Liberal' Party*.

*'so-called' regardless whether or not they shell out more big bucks and/or political capital to bring in a few more waiver wire 'rent-a-centrist candidates' like her Mothercorpness Carole Taylor.

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