Friday, March 18, 2005



Ian King has switched into glide with his BallotBox Bulldog column in Terminal City.

It will be a weekly focus on the BC Provincial Election Campaign right through May 17th and we're looking forward to it.

This week he nails the 5 W's on Gordon Campbell's recruitment of former MotherCorp Honcho Carole Taylor to run for the (not)Liberals in Vancouver Langara:

".....What happened to the liberal wing, such as it is, of the BC Liberal party? The prominent ones were all quitting on him (Campbell). Val Anderson, that rare Liberal who wasn’t enthusiastic about slashing social spending, was retiring after 14 years. Christy Clark decided to spend time with her family, then Gary Collins packed it in to play airline CEO.

Geoff Plant’s resignation last week was the latest blow, and a tough one for the leader and party.

Campbell’s top lieutenants were no longer federal Liberals, save Colin Hansen; instead, he was stuck with a crew drawn from the federal Conservative party and its Reform/Alliance precursors. Competent politicians they are, but all that not-just-fiscal conservatism might alienate the delicate sensibilities of voters outside the Bible belt.......

......So who was Campbell gonna call other than CBC board chair and former Vancouver City Councillor Carole Taylor? She’s a small-l and big-L Liberal, well-known, appeals to voters across party lines, and Cabinet-grade material. This was a huge score, considering the alternatives...."

It's worth reading the entire thing; solid stuff all around.

Only one thing missing......that pesky 6th W.



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