Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Bob & Doug Milobender


Billmon has worked himself into a lather because a Canuckistani heavy-hitter named MDS Nordion, a company that makes medical radioisotopes, has managed to pull off a reverse N/CAFTA, lobby-assisted legislative swindle.

As a result, the US government is all set to sell Nordion a big whack of weapons grade uranium sans security restrictions.

"Now I bow to no man in my love for my would-be adopted mother country and her proud commercial traditions, but the idea that a medical company in the Great White North has enough weapons-grade uranium to recreate the Manhattan Project is frankly terrifying. Think about it: the Mackenzie brothers with nukes."

Now I can understand why Billmon might be a wee bit upset. After all, this means that if we don't straighten up and fly right one of those Big Apple mushroom clouds that Ms. Rice likes to talk about just might be generated by hosers rather than terrorists.

We do think Mr. Mon is a little off base, however, with respect to the identities of the potential hoseriferous, back bacon-sucking perpetrators.

Because if anybody is going to build a beauty of a fissionable take-off vehicle it will not be Bob and Doug.

Instead, we think that it is much more likely that Geddy Lee will be responsible, especially given the fact that just the sound of his voice is enough to cause certain Randians heads to explode.

Not to mention the fact that, as he ages and loses his hair, Mr. Lee is starting to look more and more like a certain comedian who once played Major Major Major in the Mike Nichols/Buck Henry cinematic take on the Joe Heller classic.

Which reminds me.....

Is it possible to play 4 rounds of 'The Beer Hunter' when you're two short of a two-four?


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