Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Team


In response to our previous post on the coming establishment of EnronNorth, reader 'public static' had this to say about the folks who are helping push the deal:

"I swear to work for those people you must have to huff gas until you pass out for 7 straight days..."

Which may or may not be true.

But, regardless, we figure that there is a group of folks in Victoria with a buzz on these days. And that would be the members of the 'Offshore Oil and Gas Team', a LINO flack/hack group whose job it is to open everything up for Mr. Nancy Kinder and his ilk so that they can work their big money, neandercon-inspired ponzi magic on all of us.

Seem far fetched?


But let's watch what happens to the Gasbag Team's budget, which is sure to be buried in Hansard but we're counting on Holman and/or Willcocks to dig it out, before we make the call for real.

Still, I wouldn't be averse to giving up short odds right now to get some action on a wager that the Gasbaggers' budget will go from the mid-sevens to something in the low eights in the coming year or two.

After all, what's 10 or 12 million dollars a year, a significant proportion of which will go straight down the gullets of high-priced lobbyists, media-monopolists and mid-level Martinis when you've got a province to sell off.



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