Saturday, November 15, 2008

Vancouver Civic Election Live Flogging....



Post-flogging update
: please understand that I've left this up, unchanged, sloppy drums and all, because it was written entirely on the fly with immediate impressions thrown other words, no attempt was made to get to a level of deeper analysis - that will come later )

7:36pm: I'm hoping those capital plan items on the backside of the ballot make it, but given that it is going to take a year-over-year property tax increase, filling those 'yes' ovals was just one more reminder of how much we could use an extra hundred million dollars or three....

7:41pm: Looks like turnout will be the kingmaker this time around.....By comparison North v. South may not be the big factor it was last time given that the ethnic vote may split.

7:46pm: I've got my dueling banjos dilemna beat....Ceeb with the Mighty Quinn and 'The Hooks' Monte Paulsen on the transistor.....(not-so)Giant98 with Mr. T and FABula on-line with headphones slightly askew so that I can flip back and forth with ease and now knob twiddling....Let's get rockin'!....

7:50pm: Party locations....Vision at Hotel Vancouver......NPA at Marriot Renn. on W. Hastings (you can run back and forth between 'em!)....COPE at home base E. Brdway.... (courtesy AmFAB).....

7:51pm: Still nothing up on the VSun 'Ticker' Blog.....Have I mentioned recently that CanWest is doomed?.....CTV-BC has a pretty good looking province-wide results page up....will be interesting to see if it turns out to be more than just a pretty face....

7:54pm: AmFABula is telling us that the campaigns say Vision will win...turnout makes everybody wonder if it will be big....and how much slate breaking occurred (which could prove problematic for COPE)....

7:59pm: There goes Randy's Vinyl Tap on the Ceeb.......Bring on the Mighty Quinn.....

8:01pm: Polls closed.....Now I can say it....I was a Slate-Breaker....but mine went the other some Visioners didn't make it (not COPE/Greens).....

8:05pm....CBC calls Belcarra!......(everybody acclaimed in that hotbed of participatory democracy).....Senator from daVinci arrives from viewing not-yet finished SE False Creek Condo... says it could go either way.....

8:10pm: Screw all this talk about 'Election Fatigue'.....I think we should be forced to vote once a month....fifteen minutes of paying attention every fourth Saturday might do us good....

8:13pm: notsoGiant98 is 10 min. behind Ceeb, finally called Belcarra!

8:17pm: Now everybody's talking about how the Boondoggle is only a 'potential' loan.....On notsoGiant98 Tieleman and Fontaine agreeing on the Boondoggle (Sammy's Revenge!)...FABula actually weighs in with real numbers - says boondoggle didn't make that much difference....

8:21pm: Ceeb's Mighty Quinn makes fun of NPA.....Apparently the Head Girl, Jennifer Clarke (is she shinin' her candidate's shoes?) frowns....All this idiot talk about 'why is Ladner wearing the boondoggle business?' is really stoopid..complex negotiations my derriere....However, I do agree that Ladner may have been hamstrung by the 'drift-away' factor after he destroyed Shammy.....

8:27pm: Folks staying away from NPA party in, surprise!, droves...24 hrs blog has a decent line-up with AGT, The IChing King and IrwinLoy.....McCome on notsoGiant describes FABula as a VanSun columnist (ha! tell us Frances, tell us.......why?)..... oh, and I have I mentioned recently that CanWest is doomed.....

8:32pm: ....VSun blog calling for a massive victory for his Gregorness...also have Cadman ahead of Anton (yay!).....

8:39pm:......An entire pack of Halsey-Brandts are running in Richmond....none in running....Best moniker of night so far...'Sweet Lou' Sikora in CoqTown courtesy Mr. Tieleman....Pretty face results page on CTV website is useless...Corrigan crushing in Burnaby....
Watts up 10:1 in Sliverville....

8:47pm: Re: Turnout....without even saying it out loud FABula makes the case for wards to...

8:52pm: Robertson up 2:1 on Ladner.....early results are councillor sweep Anton just off the slate but the polls are Eastside ....although I don't think I agree with Daniel Fontaine that there will be huge Eastside to Westside drop-off this time....

8:57pm: All pundits laughing at Betty K...just ahead of NewGardenParty....Anton back in top ten...Andrea Reimer near top of the pops....Looks like Dhaliwal might fall off Vision wagon....Geller, the most reasonable of the NPA'ers in my opinion is way behind....

9:00pm: BEST NEWS OF NIGT SO FAR!!!!!! Parks Board has Sarah Blyth in and Marty Zlotnik way, way out (although this is one that could have a big East West swing)....

9:05pm: Ceeb's Susan Macnamee has Anton in the Vision camp.....MightyQuinn corrects her....Meggs is currently in...Pol successfully making transition to politician....?

9:10pm: Hello Visionistas in the Ballroom! (got an off-line message of PG on some screens).....feel free to give us blow-by-blow in the comments.....

9:12pm: opening Live Flogging post #2 upstairs....


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