(live flog session #1 is in post directly below....also please understand that I've left this up, unchanged, sloppy drums and all because it was written entirely on the fly with immediate impressions thrown other words, no attempt was made to get to a level of deeper analysis - that will come later )
9:15pm: Geller really dropping off the bottom of council....Is Anton getting an alphabetical save?.....No Funcouver is alive and well in NPA Marriot Ballroom.....FABula caught blogging on not-soGiant98....
9:20pm: Whoops, I was off last time...Geller back in Capri pants want up to date numbers - they're here. Interestingly, there is quite an East v. West split.....looks like this election is bring back the old class warfare swords (that's one thing Smilin' Sammy actually did right last time when he got folks to sheath 'em)..... still a lot of Southside polls to come in...
9:25pm: I'm really proud of my fellow Vancouver questions, all three, are way, way, way up 3:1....poor fuzzy Senator DaVinci....he can't figure out where the polls are coming from.....if he looked at the map he would see that Ladner has pretty much already shot his Westside wad.....Tieleman catches up to us bloggers in the FeverSwamps - mentions the East vs. West Split in the map (with a slight North South tinge)....It's actually quite striking how polarized it is....Uggggghhhhhhh....Zlotnik is almost back in Parks Board race - hope the wad really has been shot....Senator daVinci does make one important point - all the Twittering going on is coming from Visionista kids, not NPA sad-sacks...
9:28pm: Some of the Southsides are now coming in.....looks to be kinda they may recoup a little...Top kinda/sorta independent councillor at the moment - Chris Shaw of WorkLessParty (and anti-Olympic advocate).... Ellen Woodsworth is not there - not sure there are enough strong Vision polls left to get her back up above the bar....Tieleman starting to spin already - moving his Gregorness towards the middle.....
9:30pm: Think Meggs might be in a bit of trouble, near the bottom of the pack with a lot of Red states still to come in (and Meggs as the union guy may have a real problem there.....FABula is the dissenting punditocratic voice - says COPE will survive.....incredible how naive (stoopid?) many of the proMedia commentators are.....good on FABula for standing on her ground and giving us the real deal (really dig that she doesn't grind her own POV axe)....FABula now making the BigTent argument....
9:31pm: Interesting split on Schoolboard...somehow Denike is still there - sheesh!.....FABula is actually now starting to run the notsoGiant98 show by asking folks to voice their expertise....brings up the Millennium 'default' issue...Macomb knows nothing....Frances says she has the 'numbered documents'....Raymond Louie, despite the Globa-TV ambush is kickin' butt for Council - Macomb wants to know if Millennium is a big issue for him (is the man stoopid? - has he been paying attention?)
9:35pm: .... Interestingly, the only Red States left are deep Point Grey....Will those good folks remember that Mr. Zlotnik ripped the heart out of the Park in their backyard?.....I think Meggs is now safe....he's 9th....Capri pants is 11th (how was that Springsteen concert anyway Kimmy?) but 2000 votes behind....Flipside (and it's too bad) Woodsworth will not get back...
9:43pm: ....With a lot of Southside polls still to come, will be interesting to see how much Dhaliwal (Vision) and Singh (NPA) can get back because they are both well behind (think they may have cancelled each other out).....Stephen Quinn wants to know if his Gregorness won because of his looks.....How about the VV GOTV effort oh MightyQuinnish one...HeadGirl says the NPA thing was a 'TEAM' is she going to run with Nancy C. next time out....sheesh....go get yourself some Creme.....
9:47pm: .....SouthEast corner is going outlier Red....things could really tighten here....not many Green States left....Can the punditrocracy not see this?....Capri pants on not-soGiant98.....ha!.....she knows nothing about polls...everybody loved me!.....
9:50pm: more putative GreenStates left....HERE COMES WOODSWORTH ON THE OUTSIDE!!!!!!....Bye-Bye Geller.....Same for Zlotnik - and good riddance!!! Only Anton, with her alphabetical-assist is left for the Red-Rump party..... Making fun for Woodsworth's desire to decrease transit ticket prices....and how much laughing punditry is the Olympics going to cost us, exactly?
9:52pm: Fontaine is's a retroVote....There is diagonal line across the City although the green goes way West through Kits.... Wonder how many votes Eby would have gotten?
9:53pm: Only 10 polls left....Betty K in third....where is 'James' Green tonight?.... Re: the South Asian vote and why they can't elect a (non-Ward) candidate, FABula hits 'em with facts again - they've only got 30K votes so can't make the City-Wide nut, which I think (with all my heart and head) is just plain nuts (thanks for that one too Shammy!).....
9:55pm: Woodsworth and Geller neck-and-neck in the backstretch.....Capri pants fading.....
9:57pm: M Paulsen and Senator daVinci get into an interesting (and honest) conversation on campaign spending; head girl says little or nothing except for a clipped 'I agree with that', although I'm not exactly sure what she was agreeing to (she doesn't agree with rolling reporting however).....
9:58pm: Hey! An old friend and compatriot of mine (and a lover of Pacific Spirit Park, take that Private Golf Course lovers!), Maria Harris, has just been elected representative for Electoral Area 'A'.......
9:59pm: Only one for sure Red State left with at least 5 Green States.....I'm calling Woodsworth in, Geller out.....Heck I'll even take short odds on it.....
10:00pm: Yup.....Woodsworth is pulling away from Geller now....Zlotnik now two out!....It's a about the GOTV effort now somebody....pleasssssseeeee!!! .......Anton says we are all dopes because we didn't elect Geller, has no idea why her party got smoked....figures she got elected because she has something to do with Astroturf fields, or some such thing....Quinn says she made it because of 'hard work' and signage, think he's slyly referring to the alphabetical-assist....
10:02pm: Last remaining RedRump party member Ian Robertson is now in danger of dropping off the bottom of ParksBoard slate (kinda sorry about that because he's actually pretty good)....Sarah Blyth is way, way, way in!
10:05pm: Still SouthVan votes to come and Dhaliwal is charging, hard.... he could pass Woodsworth, or even Meggs....this could be interesting because the next above, last remaining RedRumpist, Anton, is too far up....
10:08pm: Only three polls left....two in SouthVan..... Dhaliwhal is only 9oo votes behind Woodsworth....I think he could do it....and then the folks screaming about buses coming to big tent nomination votes will just have to shut the heckfire up....
10:12pm: .....Anita Romaniuk only 500 behind Ian Robertson Parks Board....three green states are all that's left...will she make it?....His Gregorness is on stage, sounds a little Gordo-like (just in timber, no hate mail please Visionistas!)...
10:15pm:.....Just one poll's all done.....Woodworth is in - Dhaliwal will just fall just short...RedRumpers Left are: Ian Robertson Parks....Anton with alphabetical-assist is in on council....Schoolboard has Denike (blechhhh!) and Gibson....
10:17pm .....His Gregorness gives kudos to shout out to Greens (one on Parks - Stuart Mackinnon ) and COPEatistas for helping to erect the BigTent.....damn....wish Eby was there....
10:22pm.....Just noticed COPEatista Bargeman is only 16 votes behind with one single green State left....he could overtake RedRumper Gibson....
10: 25pm:.....Hmmmmm.....wonder if this means it is now safe for Estelle Lo to come back to town?....Could there be an 'In Camera' personnel matter meeting coming?
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
30 minutes ago
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