Monday, August 02, 2010

Gordon Campbell's Harmonized Sales Tax...

....Is Now One Month Old.


Has the price of one single thing that you buy gone down yet?

Why do I ask?


Remember the StatsCan report that predicted Mr. Campbell's Stephen Harper-assisted tax would cost the average family $521 per year?

That number WAS predicated on prices falling.

And if they don't?

Fall, I mean.


The cost could be, in the estimation of Paul Willcocks, something on the order of $1800 per year for a family of four:

"....Basically, the HST will cut taxes for businesses by $1.9 billion a year and increase the taxes paid by individuals and families by the same amount - something like $460 a year per person...."


Please remember also that, as our commenters recently established, a number of the heads of those businesses in this province that are reaping the benefits of this act of corporate welfare gave Mr. Campbell literally millions during the last two election cycles.

Happy BC Day!

Oh, and don't forget, the Fraser Institute's attempts to low-ball the impact of this egregious act of corporate kleptocracy was completely discredited right out of the gate. Interesting that, don't you think, especially given that it would appear that the fine folks from the FI have been the number one button-pushers of the fact-challenged noise machine that was designed to discredit Statscan on the longform census issue.



  1. Just to let you know Ross K. In my calculations BEFORE this tax was imposed for my family of four I estimated that it was going to cost me an extra $1720 per year. Those calculations were done without all the facts. Like items with GST only weren't going to lose the GST.
    Amongst those items were the infamous Huggies in Hansens apparent commercial. The one where he held up a bag of Huggies and set about telling the audience that these were not going to get the HST. But what he did was apparently go out of his way to NOT inform you that they were going to have the GST remain on that product. And by avoiding that issue I allege that he lied to the people of BC.
    These liars have to be stopped. RECALL IN THE FALL.

  2. 'Ya think the overwhelming success (?!?) of the gordo/harpo tax on the "small people" had anything to do with the fact that the BC LINOs were the ONLY organized political party in BC to NOT be represented in yesterday's gay pride parade in Vancouver? Hell, even the provincial Conservative party had a showing!

    What a dismal excuse for a government . . . .

  3. Here on the north shore, at the local Wildbirds Unlimited store, they have a note on the counter, for all to see, that their shelled peanuts are Province HST free because they meet another high standard, this time set down by the Federal government...... they're salt free.

  4. Thanks Gary - and yes, I agree, you have been on top of this thing from the beginning.



    Wouldn't it be ironic if, in addition to hiving off the yahoo vote, the HST also drove some of the lifestyle moderate/fiscally conservative red tories into the arms of the provCons

    (assuming, of course, that nobody notices that lovely Rita Johnson is making nice witht he Cons these days)



    Curses, Charlie Brown!



  5. Bill says:

    Gordo is not wearing his weddind band????.must have Lara with him.......
