Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Charlie Brown And The Gang Are HST Exempt...

....Who Knew!

What the heckfire am I talking about?

Well, as our good friend North Van Grumps has informed us, it would appear that a certain brand of 'Peanuts' are HST-free:

"Here on the north shore, at the local Wildbirds Unlimited store, they have a note on the counter, for all to see, that their shelled peanuts are Province HST free because they meet another high standard, this time set down by the Federal government...... they're salt free."




  1. And before you know it we'll all be working for peanuts...

  2. Yes, but they'll pay us in salted peanuts, so they can collect the tax.

  3. And make us thirsty enough to pay their ridiculously high prices for booze.

  4. And triple for ice.

    'Cause you always need more ice when you are drowning your sorrows in salty snacks and over-priced hooch.

    Or some such thing.


  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. RossK, what's up with the spam at 7:12? I see that alot and am curious.

  7. The Libs are toast. Watch for the rise of the Social Credit party, just to keep the socialists from getting through the gate!

  8. Kim -

    Pornbots....nothing more, nothing less (than zero).

    Was it something I said?


  9. Rick--

    Let's hope like Heckfire that Delaney and his band of zealots breaks through with 8-10% and hives off enough of the yahoo vote to doom the LINOS to the dustbin of electoral history.

    If it works 'tis a brilliant move by Mr. T.

    Can't you just imagine the caterwauling going on down in the sweltering fetid warrom with the blood red walls located in the catacombs directly beneath Lotusland's slowest intersection (ie. 41st and West Blvd)?



