Friday, August 20, 2010

What Is He Doing In There?


Just charging the batteries for one last run at RailGate's big return....

Perhaps Sunday Night with The Swell Season and Black Francis on the lawn in the Malkin Bowl will be that last jolt I need to get going again for real.....


Serious stuff that pixie-dust, no matter where it comes from or when it arrives.


Talk to you all about heavier stuff soon enough.

In the meantime, our good friends Laila Yuile and Norman Farrell have an interesting new venture going down here, as does Ian Reid here.

For those wondering about the state of 'The Three Buskateers'.....
Bigger E. now has a busking license to call her own and is playing at Granville Island quite regularly these days ....So if you're down there shopping keep an eye and/or ear out for her.....Me, the proud Papa?...You betcha!



  1. RossK
    I'll see you at Malkin Bowl. I'll be the guy with a smile on my face because my expensive experimental "C" drugs appear to be working.

    Good to see you back.

  2. Ian.

    We'll be on the lawn.

    Heckfire great news about the biologics!


  3. That is great news for Ian and family, but also great news for the rest of us who enjoy precise political commentary from someone who actually knows the inside workings.

  4. Absolutely agreed Norman, on all counts.

    Again, Ian has a new politicocentric Lotusland-focused blog up here.


  5. Super news to have you back in the saddle again,your sharp perspective and unique style have been greatly missed.

    Such good news about Big E- does she busk during the week? I'd like to take the kids to hear and see her again!!

    By the way, listen to Norman and I this morning on Public Eye Radio, at 8:45 am, as we talk about the new blog with Sean!

  6. Hi, again -- I enjoyed the great busking videos.

  7. Laila--

    Darn - missed it....was playing guitar with the Whack-A-Doodle down at Trout Lake....Will catch it on Sean's pod


    Thanks Cathie!

    (more coming...)


  8. Show was great...Especially added bonus bits like a dancing two year-old front and center, the gift of jewelry from a nine year old to the band that was fully recognized by the Front Man, the Moon rising in response to sound/light man Johnathan's commands, the calling of the crowd up onto the stage, if only temporarily, the calling out of Black Francis during the encore, and best of all...The frontman's story of a simultaneously raucous and introspective all-nighter by a couple of 19 year-olds with everything in front of them that ended with the coming up of the sun and moved forward with the purchase of a life-changing Pixies album...One of those kids was Hansard... And as for the other?....Well....Maybe it was this guy...

    Then again maybe not.

    Oh, and by the way....Apparently, the rumours of the demise of the Swell Season are greatly exaggerated.

