Sunday, April 22, 2012

Big Game Five Goals For Canuckleheads


April 1994....Overtime in Game 5 down 3-1 to the Flames....It was a goal that sent the Canucks on their big run towards the Big Apple.

And it was scored by a never-drafted sign-and-follow who ended up playing more than 1000 games in the NHL while scoring all kinds of big goals for a whole whack of teams along the way.

Interestingly though, despite being forced to leave the game because of multiple concussions, Geoff Courtnall's biggest battles came both before and after his NHL career.

And no, those battles had nothing whatsoever to do with almost being forced to wear Cooperall's while playing for his hometown Victoria Cougars as an over-aged junior in 1982.

Surpisingly (or maybe not), Lindsay Kines had that story not long ago too.


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