Sunday, April 22, 2012

Northern Gateway: Is Snooki A Silent Sock Puppet?


Dave of The Galloping Beaver, leaning heavily on the good work of others in the Lotuslandian Bloggodome and the fine public service words of Robyn Allan, thinks that is indeed the case:

...Since the signing away of the rights of the citizens of the Province of British Columbia, Stephen Harper and Joe Oliver have labeled First Nations and activists opposed to the project(s) as terrorists, unpatriotic and only stopped short of declaring them treasonous...

{snippety doo-dah}

...Christy Clark has been telling us that she won't have a BC government position on the Northern Gateway project until the JRP completes its work. Even she knows that by then it will be far too late.

All of this provides an even better explanation as to the sudden influx of Harper operatives into the inner circle of the office of the BC Premier, and why Christy Clark's chief-of-staff is a former Enbridge lobbyist...

And now that her job as a quisling is done, she is being Hochsteined, big time.

And there is a reason why Harper operatives are also simultaneously working for The Curmudgeon, right?

Laila has more on Ms. Allan's letter, here...
And Grant G. gets to the heart of the matter, which takes things right back to Mr. Gordon Campbell, here...
And whadd'ya know, Mr. Holman's rabble-rousers are suddenly talking about a coup....And a note to Charlie Smith...Good point about what Walkerton did to the Harris Gov't in Ontario, but times and, especially, total media domination have changed...Case in point.....Did Listeriosis bring down the Harper minority government?



  1. A little northern news that deserves more attention...

    Controversial pipeline supporter gets federal perk
    Gordon Hoekstra, Vancouver Sun

    The northern B.C. first nation chief who signed a controversial deal to support Enbridge’s $5.5-billion oil pipeline has been appointed by the federal government to the Prince Rupert Port Authority.

    As a director of the board, Gitxsan hereditary chief Elmer Derrick will receive payment, although it is not clear exactly how much.

    “It’s a strange appointment. It raises the possibility it’s a quid pro quo [exchange of favours] for supporting the pipeline,” said NDP Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen, whose riding includes a large stretch of the Northern Gateway pipeline route.

    Cullen noted that Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government is a supporter of the pipeline, meant to open up new markets in Asia for crude from the Alberta oilsands.

  2. Thanks very much Anon--

    Yours is an important point, and it does shed further light on the real long game of the Straussians.

    Dave was on that one yesterday also...

