Friday, May 31, 2013

Chelsea Hotel No. 1


In our last Sunday Setlist, E. did a solo version of Mr. Cohen's 'Chelsea Hotel No. 2' (it starts at the 13 minute

Of course, in the preamble to E's version I started babbling on ignorantly about how nobody seems to know what happened to No. 1.


I got an Email from E. yesterday...

With a link.


Here it is, from 'The Bird On A Wire Tour', circa 1972...


You got that right.

My 20 year old kid is filling me in on old, old guy musical history from 40 years ago.



As a little prod like this so often does, it sent me to digging.

And I managed to find a side-by-side comparison (scroll down).

There's a lot that is the same in the two versions, but there are significant differences too.

Like what he and his friends were trying to do, separately/not together apparently, in 1967....

And,  just in case anybody was wondering/looking...You can find all of our recent Sunday Setlists and other audio tidbits all in one place (there's even an RSS Feed link if you want it).....Here.


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