Saturday, June 01, 2013

That Was Then....This Is Now.


First the 'Then'...

Toronto's civic election, in 2010, as told by Nicholas Kohler in Macleans:
...(P)erhaps the most instructive parallel to the present circumstances came during the 2010 election, when Ford’s campaign team was confronted with the existence of a recorded telephone conversation between Ford and Dieter Doneit-Henderson, an HIV-positive gay man Ford had met weeks earlier during a campaign stop designed to give Ford the chance to atone for a past anti-gay slur.
In that recorded phone conversation Ford offered to buy Doneit-Henderson the prescription painkiller OxyContin, also known as “hillbilly heroin.” Ford’s campaign had learned that the Star had obtained this recording and felt sure the paper was preparing to release its contents when they would be most damaging to Ford’s mayoral bid. Kouvalis, Ford’s campaign manager, directed a young member of the team, Fraser Macdonald, to secure a copy of the recording, which Macdonald did by creating a fake Twitter account, befriending Doneit-Henderson through that account, and persuading him to provide the recording. The contents of the conversation shocked Kouvalis. “Why don’t you go on the street and score it?” Ford could be heard asking Doneit-Henderson, who continued pressing Ford for help getting the drug. “I’ll try buddy, I’ll try,” Ford says. “I don’t know this s–t, but I’ll f–king try to find it.”
Ford’s campaign team knew the recording might well lose them the election. But faced with the alternative—the Star releasing it—Kouvalis supported a plan in which Ford’s campaign would leak the tape to a sympathetic reporter. Rob and Doug disagreed. “The Fords didn’t want to leak it. They wanted to see how it would play out,” Kouvalis told Maclean’s in 2010 shortly after the election. “I leaked it on them.” The gambit worked—in the end, Ford’s offer to help the ailing Doneit-Henderson appeared misguided but strangely appealing...

And here's the 'Now'...

British Columbia's provincial election, in 2013,  as told by Rick Anderson, Norman Spector and Mr. Kouvalis on the Twittmachine:

You starting to see how a certain 'pattern of behaviour', from our kinda/sorta Premier elect, got a pass from most all concerned on election day now?

Need more background on the 'Now'?....You can find a little...Here.
And, as Mr. Holman noted recently...It really is...The Wizards, Stupid.



  1. I hope you are okay.

    Please update us soon...

  2. Me too wondering where you are.

  3. Sorry...

    Been a science geek-driven cigar tubing multiple peer review-bashing bunker week.

    I have not touched a stringed instrument for almost a week.

    Sitting in Pearson right now...Terminal 3 late Friday afternoon cacophonous madness...Pure torture knowing the 4.5hr tube ride awaits...


