Monday, May 13, 2013

Election Eve Update: The Last Word Goes To...

....Christy Clark.

"We all say things when we are trying to get elected." 
"You can't steal an election in a democracy"


In other words...

Facts are for suckers...


Common decency is for losers...


Honesty doesn't matter as long as you win...


And, in looking at the final breakdowns from Angus Reid, in which the Dippers are up by nine overall and are still winning, or in a dead-heat, in every single region of the province and in every single demo except one...Which means?....Well....If you are going to cajole folks to go to the polls tomorrow here's the ticket we're looking for...Essentially, women of any age who don't drive European SUV's...
Have fun out there tomorrow folks...And if you notice any funny business, from election act-defying photo-ops to overzealous scrutineering in an apparent attempt to clampdown on certain demos (I would think, based on what they've already done, that this might involve BCL attempts to turn away young folks, especially in, say, far west Lotusland)...Well...make note, and let us know down the road...


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