Monday, May 13, 2013

The Real Debt Number: Sometimes You Just Have To Listen To...

Quick Comment On Latest From Angus Reid Update... at bottom of the post.

...Uncle Rafe.

Monday 5:00pm...Still waiting for that last Angus Reid poll to drop...My advice is to ignore the latest Ekos poll (41Dipper/35BCL) for the moment as the 13Green/9Con numbers seem crazy high (and perhaps non-riding corrected) to me....

Monday 7:30pm...AReid is out....Appears the slide really has halted 45/36 (i.e. does not appear to be a hint of a last weekend before election day Wild Roseian-type collapse thingy)...I'll be back with a more detailed examination of the splits later, but a quick look leads to the following....First, those amongst us with two X chromosomes are will very likely save us all, and.....Second, even if the Green and/or Con rumps completely collapse in the ballot box this really does look to be a strong Dipper majority....



  1. Reid is out now. No change between the dippers and the liars! NDP 45% Lib 36%


  3. Thanks folks.

    I'll have a look at the splits.


  4. I'm getting quite excited about this, Ross. My riding has been a safe Liberal seat for yonks but it looks like Parksville-Qualicum could fall to the NDP this time around.

    I've been contacted by telephone pollsters for the past two weeks, one after another. And for the past two days it's been a succession of robo-calls from the Libs and NDP.

    Both sides are really working the hell out of this riding. This time my vote might actually matter.

  5. Glad to hear that MoS....I note that AGT is calling it a gain for the Dippers. Let us know how things go down.

