Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday SetList...Memorial Day 2013



Update Sat Morning June 1st...There was a Chelsea Hotel #1...More here.

When we lived in the States, Memorial Day was one of my favourites.

For all kinds of reasons, including the fact that it really does announce the coming of Summer.

Not that we really want to start wearing white until Labour Day or anything.


This week's set list is kind of a crazy, mixed-up, old-time variety show of sorts.

First, you get me doing my thing starting with Old Crow Medicine Show and ending Sean Kangataran after sticking a quick bit of non-Woodified early Mr. Dylan in the middle.

Next up, it's Bigger E., on her own, uke-in-hand, with Chelsea Hotel No 2....She's back in town for the summer, doing her thing, and more...Which you can read about...Here.

Finally, a wee bit of the 'Two E's and Me' from election night...In retrospect (forwardspect?), here's hoping that we have reason to belt the very last tune out as loud as humanly possible on election night in May of 2017...If you get our drift...


(And feel free to query/caption the image, above, in the comments - it's a good story, that one...)

Footnotes, etc......

Wagon Wheel, by Old Crow Medicine Show...Was actually just a half tune/sketch done by Dylan as a demo around about the time he was making Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid...Ketch Secor of Old Crow later filled it out with a story of hitchhiking down the Eastern seaboard and recorded it thirty years after the fact...All kinds of folks have covered it since...The Three Buskateers dig the Old Crows because, well...They themselves once did a whole lot of busking as is made

Baby Let Me Follow You Down, by B. Dylan...It's an old traditional popularized by bluesman Eric von Schmidt in the '50's, who Dylan gave credit to, on the track, when he recorded it for his debut album...Showed up on the Last Waltz totally electrifried, which probably was as it should be, what with circles being unbroken and all that....Me, I think I just dig the harmonica on that bit by young Bob...It's weird....Because as I go back to more of that young Bob stuff I'm struck dumber and dumber by how good the harp stuff is.

Writing About, by Sean Kangataran....Talked about this tune last week in the preview...Sean is part of the Dublin folksified rock diaspora...He now lives in Los Angeles and is part of a band called 'Owls'...This little tune just slays me because it tells the tale of what most of us most definitely should NOT do for art...You can hear the original version of the

Chelsea Hotel No. 2, by Leonard Cohen...So much said about this one already...But just in case you missed it, or need a refresher...I agree with Mr. Cohen that the Wainright kid does a 'wonderful job of it'.

Big Mistake by Tim Fite...Don't really know how to describe this tune or its composer...It just is and always will be, I think...And we do it because it's fun (and, truth be told, a great warm-up given that it's in 'C' which means that I can kinda/sorta almost keep up with the voice of E.)...Heckfire...There's even video of us...

Crash On The Levee by B. Dylan... It's a Basement Tapes thingy...So this one really was backed by The Band right from the beginning....But our favourite version, by far, is a Buskateerean extravaganza recorded late one night on the Charles Bridge in the Prague spring of 2001....Seriously.



  1. Nice Wagon Wheel. I've never thought to slow it down, and will give it a try. Like to hear Caroline one of these weeks.
    And a great Chelsea Hotel. Rufus does it brilliantly. (And I have a tenuous brush-with-greatness connection. Way back when, in Montreal days, the sister of my ex babysat Rufus and Martha, and she kept him up until just before Kate came home because she wanted company. I like to think it shaped his music.)
    Also, more duets please. Family voices work really well together.

  2. Paul--

    The slowing down is a weird thing....I do it with all sorts of stuff and I don't really know why.

    Will do more duets...I just always feel like I detract from E's performance

    Fantastic story...So...She only kept Rufus up?...Does that mean he was better company?

    btw...I do a far,far,far down the beach coupling of Martha's 'Dirty Mother....etc.' and Mr. Morrison's Astral Weeks.

    Why far, far, far down the beach?


    So nobody is forced to listen to my caterwauling...

    But maybe if I slowed it down?

