Monday, June 10, 2013

Updated: Music For Moving...


Day of the Fogerty Update, May 28/13...Kept a squinty eye on the counter because reader Karen asked, in the comments...This particular Sunday Setlist now has 10,355 listens...Maybe even more remarkably...Here's to the State (of the Golden Era) which I put up on election debacle night has 6,195...Really, really incredible to me...Thanks everyone!

After The Flood/Post-Election Debacle Triple-Decker Update, May 26/13...The new Setlist is finally up...A really variety pack this time (the good one with just 8 boxes of cereal, not the 12 pack with the puffed wheat and the not-so Special K)...You get just Me and...Just Bigger E too....And even E. and Me with littler e. giving you election rundowns, in real time, as they happen (as a young kid gets excited as she suddenly grasps how the process actually works)...Have a listen....Here!

In this Double-Secret Probation Update, have also tacked on our 'Here's To The State Of The Golden Era' tune onto this post as well, down below...It is a re-worked version of an old Phil Ochs song about a political party that was once run by a leader whose iron fist was wrapped in think-tank rags...Of course, said party is now run by a very different leader, although the spinners and the cronies are all still there...We sing about that stuff too...

Our oldest kid is coming home next week. is back in town, and she has re-activated her Busking Blog.


This Sunday's Setlist is, I guess, about that.

Sort of...


First up is Neil Young's 'Long May You Run', which is self-explanatory...The little lyrical change at the top of the third verse had more to do with our kid coming to the age of realization of pop-culture in the mid-nineties...And while I was no Royal Tennenbaum about the thing, if I had to it all over again...Well...

Next up is Ben Gibbard and Jay Farrar's ode to a post-Road Jack Kerouac searching for solace in 'Big Sur'...Because, sometimes home and comfort and all that is a state of mind I guess...And sometimes it's not...It's probably worth mentioning here that Big Sur is the first place E. ever went camping...

Third is young Bruce Springsteen's 'Wild Billy's Circus Story'....Because E. is coming home to an electoral circus and all that entails...I mention the tuba on the pod...But I forgot Danny Federici on the accordian!...

Last is Robbie Robertson's (and Levon Helm's) 'The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down'...Because E. is actually American...And because Mr. Helm died a year ago this week...And, well, because it is my greatest desire, in my retirement, to set up rambles as often as possible so that my kids can come home and we can play with our musical friends and family all night long...

Image at the top of the post?....Our youngest kid riding our oldest kid's old bike on the edge of a Lotuslandian microclimatological blossom-blizzard this past Saturday afternoon...
There is a super-secret bonus track for those that hang around to the end...Another lullaby...This one from 'The Frames' and all of Hansard's rambling friends and family too (watch the second half, it will do your heart good)...



  1. Neil Young's 'Long May You Run' That's my theme song, dude!

  2. Sounds good on you md.

    Really good.


  3. I just found and got "Americana" by Neil Young and I believe Crazy Horse. It is a collection of classic American folk tunes ending with "God Save the Queen." It is wonderful and I love it.

  4. How many listens are there on this post, RossK?
