Monday, May 13, 2013

While Everybody Waits Anxiously For The Last Poll From A. Reid To Drop....


Update: 4:30 pm Monday....Ekos is out... 41Dipper/35BCL....But looks like it is not riding corrected as 13Green/9Con looks crazy high...Still waiting for AReid to see poll-to-poll trends, especially in regions and demos (it will be the women that can save us, I reckon)...

...I suggest you all head over to Ian Reid's place for a dose of real politick that matters.


Because 'moral victories' are useless.

Go give him Ian a read (pun very much intended).

You won't be sorry.

And apropos of pretty much nothing at all  (except perhaps Mr. Dix' comment over the weekend about his not needing a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows)....Had to ride due West out to campus first thing this morning...Then I had to ride East back into the heart of the  Hospital Industrial Complex mid-morning...And, finally, rode West again back out to campus at lunch...And every bloody ride the wind had flipped around and was in my face...No fair!



  1. Angus Reid..BCNDP-45%


    CTV at 6:00pm


  2. Thanks Grant--

    And it looks like you were right last week...The XX factor is still in effect.

    (luckily for all of us)

