Sunday, January 27, 2019

Ledge Splitting (ctd)....The de Jong Insertion.


Justine Hunter, writing in the Globe and (No Longer Empire) Mail has given an overview of the profligate ways of the no longer Clerk and Sergeant-At-Arms of the Lotuslandian Legislature.

Not much new or even truly insightful there, in my humble opinion.

I was interested to find two passages in which former longterm BC Liberal Cabinet Minister Mike De Jong is mentioned.

To wit:

...“The knowledge that the details of their expenditures will become public alters behaviour,” said Mike de Jong, a veteran MLA who pushed for that disclosure...

...Mr. de Jong, who championed reforms to bring disclosure to the spending of the elected officials in Victoria, said it is now time to broaden those reforms. “The principle is, everyone involved in public service needs to embrace the notion that it’s not your money, and the public deserves to know how it is being spent,” he said. “The best way to safeguard against abuse is detailed disclosure.”


Perhaps in her next piece Ms. Hunter could tell how and what, exactly, the good Mr. de Jong actually 'championed' back when he and his were actually in a position to do something about all things profligate.

And there is that small matter of how Mr. de Jong and associates came to 'install' the no longer Clerk of the Legislature after doing the same when they made the same fine fellow the boss of Elections B.C.  back in the days of yore.

Charlie Smith, writing with depth and context in the GStraight has those stories.




  1. I thought de Jong split long ago

  2. Split? surely you jest. The guy makes a nice salary for little work and the receives the $12K a year for a housing allowance, with no receipts and I bet "transparent Mike" isn't going to be providing any.

    there are a lot of aging baby boomers in this province but we don't have impaired memories. So Mike and the firing of the health care workers wasn't that "transparent". Then there was the removal off all that wood which then could be exported out as raw logs and that was against advise of ministry staff. Not a transparent action either, I do believe.

    Always try to remember the guy was recruited by el gordo, which all on its own might tell some of you a few things.

    De Jong will stay on because he hopes eventually the NDP will go and he can run for the leadership of the B.C. Lieberals and continue with the plundering of the province, allegedly or some such thing.....

    Oh, lets not forget De Jong was sued for libel by Herb Dhaliwal, who was a federal Liberal M.P.

    de Jong's comments are a sight to behold, must have under gone some conversion because when he was busy "privitizing" Crown forests, he kept it pretty quiet and "forgot" to consult with the Hupacasath and Tseshaht First Nations. So what happened there Mike? Now you're all so out there for transparency. Well if he is, would he tell the rest of us about B.C. Rail and that $6M and who there others were who received those "indemnities". I know they're sealed, but given you've had this conversion, do tell us, the taxpayers, the citizens, No don't want to? ah, guess you're still the same piece of business you always were. But the quote sounds good and it was ever so nice for that paper to print it.

    With quotes like that and the editorial by Matthew Nathanson in The Province, slamming Eby, you know Eby must be on to something

  3. Anon-At-The-Top--




    As we have said many times over the lifetimes of many a 'media monitoring contract'...

    They only smear those they fear most.


  4. Mike de Jong’s political history smells like Abbotsford does as you approach the Mt. Lehman freeway interchange.

  5. De Jong, Colman,Clark,and the rest of the mob. Their salary,s must be mad money compared to the under the table bonus brown bags that the profiteers have excelled !!no class,no conscience,no consistency just plain corrupt crooked to the core till there is no more.Watched Sonya Bullstra ace news caster for Glowbull on her show and should be oscar actors B.S.Bulldry and his side kick at the Ledge missing the other two imbeciles and all three of these Ignoramus when claptrapping how well the Liarbels did taking the green vote the thing that offended me the most other than their horse dung was the fact included Andrew Weaver and Andrew Wilkinson first names were used when mentioning them but only referred to our and yes their Premier as Horgan .Even some of the Lib boys having a beer mentioned what a bunch A ----s these so called news people and said we have had it with these so- called suck holes I said you mean Socreds no answer! just a bunch of gut busting laughter saying as Trumpster THEIR FIRED ! Finally.
