Saturday, January 26, 2019

Stonehenge Revisited - The Roger Chroniclers.


You want facts, details and context on all things Mr. Stone (and more).

Here are my go to places....

Emptywheel - She's been at this since the days of Scooter Libby's leak fest, first on the long gone Firedoglake and now at her own most excellent longform blog...She's got credibility everywhere and these days she's even pushing the envelope back towards reality-based sandwiches quite regularly on and in CorpMedia monkey grinder organs like, say, this one.

Mueller She Wrote - The weekly podcast is free, long, detailed and addictive...It's also made by women and is way more insightful than, dare I suggest it, the boys' club audio offerings from the former denizens of Mr. Obama's West Wing....My favourite MSW regular segment is the 'Fantasy Indictment League'....It hit the jackpot this week.

Driftglass - He is a dinosaur of the longform, left-leaning linear typestries that emerged during the early Bush years who got his start as a five-tooled commenter at the house that the late, great Steve Gilliard built....Unlike Marcy (Empty) Wheeler, Driftglass doesn't even bother to push CorpMedia envelopes....Instead, he tears them to shreds, salts them, deep fries them in rancid lard scooped from the troughs of wingnut welfare supported Schlachthof-fünfian mass-distraction factories and feeds them to the likes of Bobo Brooks, whole, for breakfast...


Recognize, perchance,  those three fine fellows in the image at the top of the post from the days of pre-Willie Horton yore?
Speaking of the politics of the distraction-based deflector smear...I'll have something to say about the latest (alleged) OpEd on Mr. Eby in the PostMedia prints...Later.



  1. If only more criminal defence lawyers could gain full access to Post Media to sway public opinion ...... we wouldn't have suffered through the BC Rail trial with the loss of $6 million payment to the defendants' lawyers and who knows how many millions were spent by the prosecutor.

    The OpEd writer bio:

    Matthew Nathanson is a criminal defence lawyer in Vancouver. Charges against his client in the province’s largest-ever money laundering case were recently stayed. He is seeking the return of more than $2 million seized in the RCMP probe dubbed E-Pirate.


    Times Colonist:
    The majority of evidence collected in E-Pirate comes from 13 searches executed in properties across Richmond in October 2015 and April 2016. A B.C. Supreme Court judgment, which permitted Canada Revenue Agency to obtain E-Pirate evidence, says police established reasonable grounds that offences were committed by defendants including Paul King Pao Jin, his wife Xiaoqi Wei, Hoy Pan Chen and Silver International Investments Ltd.


    BC Liberals Attorney Generals

    4 years AG Geoff Plant 2001 - 2005
    4 years AG Wally Oppal 2005 - 2009 BC Rail Trial
    1 year AG Mike de Jong 2009 - 2010 BC Rail Trial
    1 year AG Barry Penner 2010 - 2011 BC Rail Trial
    2 years Shirley Bond 2011 - 2013
    4 years Suzanne Anton 2013 - 2017 E-Pirate
    1 month Andrew Wilkinson 2017

  2. Saw Empty Wheel on your blog roll some time ago and she has become one of those I visit every day. Amazing information. Drift Glass visit from time to time.

  3. Just received by latest article from Blog Borg Collective which has what I believe is some committee meeting with Horgan asking James and Lenz some questions about $500K. Interesting read and may become part of the all things B.C. Leg. show.

  4. As North Van Gramps writes, Matthew Nathanson is the lawyer for the defense in the Richmond "money laundering" case. He represents, Caixuan Qin, who is attempting to have $2M and change returned, which were seized in the course of the "case".

    On the other side, is Lisa Martz, representing the Attorney General of B.C. That's actually us, the taxpayers. The Attorney General of B.C. is David Eby.

    Matthew Nathanson is an excellent criminal lawyer. He may also have an axe to grind with David Eby. Not only is Nathanson representing some one involved in the Richmond money laundering case,it has been alleged he is the lawyer for some members of the Hell's Angels. I'm not alleging the H.A. is laundering money via the casinos, but one does wonder who all was.

    The real question for me is: why is the Province printing this editorial? What is in it for them?

    As to Nathan's editorial, comparing David Eby to Donald Trump, twice? REALLY?? It may be reasonable to conclude:

    - this another method of attack on Eby, given the recall campaign hasn't worked.

    - having Eby remain as Attorney General is scaring the shit out of some one or perhaps a whole lot of some one's.

  5. @e.a.f.

    There's this one-liner, two sentences:

    "C. James: Well, as I understand it, the decision and the payment were made during a period of dissolutions. Consequently, there was not committee."

    ... 'during a period of dissolutions'

    While the 2013 election is going on, the Ministers remain intact until the voters decide their fates and a new government is sworn it. Craig James gave John Horgan an answer that implies that it was the Speaker, Bill Barisoff/Linda Reid, that signed off on the document that he prepared for him/her.

    Or is it a simple matter of smoke and mirrors directed at the Conflict of Interest Commissioner that he was the sole beneficiary of $500,000 for his pension plan?

  6. NVG, thank you. My memory isn't as sharp as yours, had forgotten about that election. The only election and the timing, I have every remembered very clearly was when Dave Barrett was elected.

    Thank you for the information, it clarifies a whole lot.

  7. The three guys in the picture at the top. I recognize the one on the right but don't remember his name and I know I should. WHO ARE THEY?

    I've looked the picture at least a half a dozen times, but the names don't come to me. It maybe my fading memory or ............what was the question again.........

  8. Manafort, Stone and Atwater, circa 1985, back when they ran a political consulting company together.

    It was deep in the age of Reagan - a time when ratf*cking first became full on legit.


  9. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I knew I'd seen the picture before. this time I'll make a note.
