Friday, July 12, 2019

The Return of HST Fridays...


Since the Border Patrol opened its station in Clint, Tex., in 2013, it was a fixture in this West Texas farm town. Separated from the surrounding cotton fields and cattle pastures by a razor-wire fence, the station stood on the town’s main road, near a feed store, the Good News Apostolic Church and La Indita TortillerĂ­a. Most people around Clint had little idea of what went on inside. Agents came and went in pickup trucks; buses pulled into the gates with the occasional load of children apprehended at the border, four miles south.

But inside the secretive site that is now on the front lines of the southwest border crisis, the men and women who work there were grappling with the stuff of nightmares.

Outbreaks of scabies, shingles and chickenpox were spreading among the hundreds of children and adults who were being held in cramped cells, agents said. The stench of the children’s dirty clothing was so strong it spread to the agents’ own clothing — people in town would scrunch their noses when they left work. The children cried constantly. One girl seemed likely enough to try to kill herself that the agents made her sleep on a cot in front of them, so they could watch her as they were processing new arrivals...


We're the Nazis in this game, and I don't like it. I'm embarrassed and I'm pissed off. Yeah. I mean to say something and I think a lot of people in this country agree with me.'
Hunter S. Thompson, January 2003
Interview with Mary Suma, KDNK Radio, Roaring Fork Colorado
Reprinted In Text Form In: Ancient Gonzo Wisdom by Anita Thompson

And, just in case we here in Canuckistan
think we don't have to speak out also...This.



  1. Have been following the American concentration camp saga for some time now. they are in my opinion concentration camps. what some are arguing about, are they as bad as those the Nazi's had or those they had during the Bosnian "fuck up".

    there is also a concentration camp in Arizona populated with children. One 15 yr. old girl was sexually assaulted by a guard in front of other guards and prisoners. when the children were transferred to Human resources, 50 complaints were filed by the children. When one cage of boys complained about the water tasting like chlorine, their sleeping mats were taken away.

    During all of this trump has continued to announce the concentration camps are being run "beautifully" and yes, they are in his opinion. they are doing what he and his base want. its what hitler wanted, its what pol pot wanted.

    the Arizona camp, the government was well aware of the problems and had been for a couple of months but nothing was done. The reporters who filed the story were only made aware of the camp by some one who tipped them Nothing is going to change in the U.S.A

    For those who think these camps aren't like the concentration camps of the Nazi's have a look at history. at the beginning people didn't look that bad, but after 4 years of no to little food, they looked as they did at the end of the war. The children in many of these camps can't eat the food, its that bad. The reported diet for the children are instant oatmeal for breakfast, instant noodles for lunch and a burrito for dinner. That spells malnutrian.

  2. What we have in Quebec is the beginning of what trump started when he ran for the nomination and his cry of Latinos were murderers, rapists, bringing death and drugs in to the U.S.A.

    In Quebec, they are making them disappear from the public view. They're removing them from positions of authority. What Quebec is doing is much like what the Nazi's did in Germany and the other countries they invaded. They fired Jews. they disappeared from public view and positions of authority. It made it easier to vilify them. if you see an other ethnicity every day in a government job and doing it well, when the government goes on a rampage, many won't believe it, but if they don't see any, the conclusions frequently is, they can't work for the government, they're imcompetent, etc.

    The premier of Quebec, was cheerfully at the mike at the conference. Others socialized with him. they gave him legitimacy. We can not do that.

    We may not be able to get around the constitution and the not withstanding clause, but we can make it clear to Quebec and the premier, they are racists and they are not welcome in the rest of Canada. if we do not stand up on this issue, who will be next. the premier of quebec will do much as trump has done, one ugly thing at a time and get away with it. then they move on with something more ugly.

    it is doubtful Trudeau will do anything prior to the federal election. the conservatives in my opinion don't care, they pal around with enough racists as it is. it will be up to the NDP at the national level to speak out. its not like they're going to keep any seats or very many in Quebec, so they might want to go back to their old role of being the conscience of politics. Don't expect the Greens to be. We've seen their position on Israel, over the objections of Elizabeth may.

  3. people like to think it can never happen here. Who ever thought we would see children in concentration camps in the U.S.A.? If it can happen there, it can happen here.

    It happens very quickly. Germany invaded France 10 May 1940 and 2 years later French citizens were being shipped to death camps. The Netherlands was also invaded in 1940 and one year later the only political party allowable was the Nazi party. In 1945 the war was over and millions upon millions were dead. Many of the world stood around and watched it happen. Canada and the U.S.A. both turned away a ship each, carrying Jews who were trying to avoid the concentration camps.

    This topic is a hot one for me. My Grandfather was the only surviving member of his family by the time it was all over. I heard most of the stories listening to adults talking.

    The Japanese also had concentration camps where they kept women and children in Asia, i.e. Indonesia. Having heard those stories also, we really don't want or need a repeat.

    As that saying goes,.......first they came for the Jews..when they came for me, there was no one left to object.......... Just remember how fast it all happened in Europe and in the former Yugoslavia.

    Thank you for raising the topic.
