Friday, July 12, 2019

The Political Expediency Triangulation...


That is all.



  1. Reminds me of the 2013 BC election when the NDP hired Brian Topp as campaign manager despite the fact he was partnered with Ken Boessenkool and Don Guy in a PR firm called Kool, Topp & Guy. Boessenkool was a long-standing Harper confidant and ex Chief of Staff to Christy Clark. Guy was the Ontario Liberal Party’s three-time campaign manager and head of communications for the BC Liberal campaign.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Ask Adrian Dix.

  2. According to a Toronto blog, Montreal Simon, Kinsella has been bashing Trudeau for some time. during the "disagreement" with JWR and JP, Kinsella sided with them and took huge wacks out of Trudeau. Now why Kinsella was doing that, was also up to debate on that blog. Many of them go back to the last federal election when Kinsella was not "invited" to work for Trudeau. His nose being out of joint went to attack Trudeau.

    During the past couple of years Kinsella's blog has changed. My impression is the format was changing and it was more of "newspaper" than an actual blog, as it had once been, rendering opinions. In the past four years criticism of Christy Clark was not printed, which did seem strange, given he was not given to "censorship" on almost anything else.

    My take on it is, Kinsella no longer is able to do business with the federal Liberals and is looking for another party to work for. Kinsella has also grown older and more conservative, in my opinion, and seems to be a lot about promoting himself.

    His going to work for the Greens, who knows. He may want rid of Trudeau, but does he want the Greens in office or having the balance of power or does he dislike Trudeau so much, he would be happy to see him go and the conservatives to form office? Guess we will all see this fall.

    Read the blog fairly regularly, but it seemed to change approx. 2 or 3 yrs ago and just stopped reading it.
