Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Thought Mapping, Daily.


From the 'That's Some Lede!' department...

The latest from Global News' Sam Cooper:

B.C. Lottery Corp. vice-president of corporate compliance Robert Kroeker has stepped down, months after B.C.’s gambling regulator pledged to investigate allegations that Kroeker instructed his staff to “ease up” on anti-money-laundering measures and “allow dirty money to flow into casinos,” Global News has learned...

Interestingly, it would appear that the good Mr. Kroeker was involved in that alrevolving door between the gov't regulator and the Casino Industrial Complex back in the days of the BC Liberal government reign:

...Kroeker, who is the former director of B.C.’s anti-money-laundering civil forfeiture program and the author of a 2011 B.C. government study on casino money laundering, left the civil forfeiture office to serve as corporate compliance chief for Great Canadian Gaming, the operator of Richmond’s River Rock Casino, from 2012 to September 2015...



Why is it, exactly, that I am suddenly thinking of hockey bags full of cash?

Oh, ya...

Now I remember.



  1. Given the impending public inquiry that will delve into these matters, there can be no doubt that frenzied girding of loins is currently underway. All involved can be expected to engage prophylactic measures designed to prevent or at least minimize personal accountability. This is one of the signs of such activity.

    Some will be availing themselves of legal counsel at public expense. Some others will not qualify for such public indemnification but have pockets deep enough to acquire top-notch legal talent. Some without the status or resources to attain effective counsel will resort to brown envelopes or plea proffers. Some with inside information and confident they have no legal exposure will take the opportunity to serve the public interest and/or settle old scores. Some may leave or have already left the scene, literally or figuratively depending on circumstance.

    I can’t wait for the curtain to rise.

  2. Couldn't agree more Lew.

    About the raising of the curtain so that we can learn all that was (and perhaps still is) happening, I mean.

    Thing is...

    There were windows in the curtain that few in the local proMedia bothered to look long and hard into to try and piece together what was really going on.

    Two who did that were Sean Holman early and, of course, Sam Cooper later on.


  3. Sam Cooper didn't start "looking through the curtains" until after the B.C. Lieberals left office, or at least that is when I started seeing it in the Post Media organs in B.C. the articles referred to "the government" and I didn't see the words, B.C. Lieberals instead. if enough time passes people might start to think government means the NDP. Its a cute trick

    has anyone heard where the "show" will be held and where we can purchase tickets to go watch.
