Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Quitting, LLC.


I came across the story quoted below, by CTV's Shannon Paterson, after the release of the first round of B.C.'s provincial election results.

And then I promptly forgot about it until recently when I stumbled upon it while culling my bookmarks post-election results release, part deux:

Christy Clark isn't surprised BC Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson announced he's stepping down just two days after disastrous election for his party.

"If I was in his shoes, I would say, 'Well, why would you want to stick around?' Really, what for?" said the former premier, who stepped down herself after the Liberals won the most seats in the 2017 election, but failed to form government...


...Clark believes whoever takes the helm of the party next needs to have a message beyond the Liberals' traditional economic one.

"Issues like racial justice, the wage gap for women, access to child care, climate change. Those are things the BC Liberals, we used to all about a lot more than we do now," said Clark. "I think it's about the sense that people look at a leader and say they authentically care about the issues that concern them." ...

Word salad aside, why wouldn't an actual leader maybe, perhaps, want to stick around and try to rebuild a political party by bringing issues that people 'authentically care about' to the fore? 


Is it possible that they might decide to 'not stick around', at least in part, because they might have a nice, cushy senior advisor-type gig to parachute into?

A gig, like, say, this:

And what, pray tell, might a leader who doesn't want to stick around do, post-parachute deployment?

Why, make podcasts, of course!


For the record, the above is an audio experience that I, for one, plan to miss on purpose.

Especially given the double-whammy of the involvement of the good Ms. Clark and the old needle thrower himself, Johnny Baird.

And, yes
, I do still have a memory and I plan to keep on using it...



  1. It's telling, that out of four panelists, one is NOT Honourable. But we knew that already.

  2. WHAT? no BCHydro gig or Shaw?

