Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Emperor's New Coup.


As I've mentioned before, I listen to way too much National Public Radio.

It all started a long time ago, back in the time of Clinton, when we lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, and between Giants and A's games I would play NPR incessantly on the old analog radio propped up on my lab bench.

Mostly, it was an audio buffet of nice, polite Americana running running in the background while I spent twelve or fourteen hours a day shuffling between the culture hood and the nearby microscope to do stuff like, say, this.


These days I usually punch up the Bay Area affiliate, KQED, on my phone early in the morning to listen to the California Report, Marketplace and All Things Considered, all of which are wrapped around Joe McConnell's traffic reports. That way, in addition to hearing about who governor Gavin Newsom might choose to fill Kamala Harris' soon-to-be empty Senate seat, I always know where the crashes are on the I-80 freeway between Berkeley and the Bay Bridge.

All-in-all, even now, it's pretty soothing.

But this week something has increasingly gotten under my skin, which is the way on a whole lotta levels, be they local, regional or national, everybody just keeps on reporting and commenting on, matter of factly, what the good Mr. Trump and his minions are up to as they their best, post-election, to subvert what remains of American democracy.

Meanwhile, there is stuff like this out there, from Ezra Klein of Vox:

...The Trump administration’s current strategy is to go to court to try and get votes for Biden ruled illegitimate, and that strategy explicitly rests on Trump’s appointees honoring a debt the administration, at least, believes they owe. One of his legal advisers said, “We’re waiting for the United States Supreme Court — of which the President has nominated three justices — to step in and do something. And hopefully Amy Coney Barrett will come through.”

If that fails, and it will, Mark Levin, one of the nation’s most popular conservative radio hosts, is explicitly calling on Republican legislatures to reject the election results and seat Donald Trump as president anyway...

Is this not the real story of the man who would be emperor, his clothes, and his coup?

Mr. Klein
himself can sometimes climb the smooth-o-meter a little too far when he talks about his own favourite pet subject which is how to 'reasonably' deal with the polarization of American politics which he views as a both sides/duopoly-driven game...More on that another time...Maybe.
Update: A. Reader has pointed out that Mr. Mason of BellGlobeCTVRDSTSNMuchCrunchMedia and I are in agreement on this one...Jeebuz!....First it was the Keef and now...This....What is this world coming to?



  1. So basically you're a sheltered lab rat that just wants to feel comfortable, listening to muzak and safe propaganda, no matter what is going on in the world outside your little cage.

    Hence it can be safely inferred that you don't want to hear that all is not kosher with the election.

    However, eye'm going to do you a favor and tell you that things are heating up when it comes to investigating the integrity of the process, particularly in those 5 big corrupt swing cities where the election magically flipped in the dead of night.

    On Monday, Attorney General William Barr authorized DOJ officials to open inquiries into potential irregularities - a move which led to the swift departure of the agency's top voter fraud investigator, long-time Obama hold-over and utterly useless, Richard Pilger.

    Then, shortly after meeting with Barr on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered a floor speech asserting that President Trump is "100% within his rights" to challenge the results of the election.

    Democrats - who have notably changed their language from 'there was no election fraud' to 'there was no widespread election fraud' - are now asserting that the DOJ may be trying to change the results of the election by investigating.

    Associate Justice Samuel Alito Jr. already granted the Republican Party of Pennsylvania’s request and temporarily ordered all counties segregate mail-in ballots that arrived after 8 p.m. on Election Day from others, but the lawsuit is still pending petition in the highest court.

    AGs from Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas filed in Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar, which challenges the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's late October decision to allow ballots arriving after Election Day to be counted - despite, as The Federalist notes - state laws mandating otherwise.

    Thus eye'm afraid all this noisy, discomforting talk of fraud is just not going away, no matter how hard you wish it would.


  2. ... and Covid-19 will just keep coming around the corner ...

  3. Trump admires all the dicktaters in the world right now, He wants to be another Putin. If that stupid son of a bitch new how to count , he would know he doesn t have enough votes. Anyone that follows this scumbag is as stupid as he is. But then again it might not be to bad of an idea to let him back in, just think how many of his followers would catch the virus and die. Thinning out the herd so there are less dumb --ks for the next election. Until the Donald leaves we are going to call our country the States of America, because it sure isn t united.

  4. Anon@10:15pm:

    All this noisy, discomforting talk of fraud is just that; talk. Most of which disappears when scrutinized by adults. Like this example:


    The talk has so far not turned into fact, no matter how hard you wish it would. The court “victories” in PA only direct election officials to do something they were already doing, and even if the feeble legal attempts somehow succeed, the number of ballots involved are infinitesimal compared to Biden’s leads in the states concerned.

    You lost. Get over it.


    By the way, calling a noted cancer researcher who works to save lives a sheltered lab rat living in a cage is not a winning strategy. That type of despicable rhetoric is among the many reasons your hero just got his ass booted out of the White House.

  5. So Anon #1: Some info for you to peruse and ponder; Biden has a 47,000 vote lead over Trump in Pennsylvania. The GOP in that state is in court challenging the votes which were mailed in to certain polling stations between Nov 3 and Nov 6. The sum of those ballots they are challenging? 10,000 ballots. So even if those ballots are tossed, Biden still is ahead by a comfortable amount of votes.
    William Barr's statement about election went as such, “may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State." Note Barr's inclusion of the word "if." Barr may have no morals but unlike Trump he is no fool and has left himself an out with that statement. Chris Christie, Republican, former New Jersey governor knows a little bit about court cases since he was also U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey has stated that Trump needs to come up with more then hearsay to prove voter fraud. So far lawyers for Trump have been 0-13 in court because judges have tossed the cases over hearsay.
    The episode Lew refers to in the WaPo is being engineered by a low level rodent fornicator who in the past was convicted of entering a federal building under false pretences and has lost two lawsuits for misleading people while secretly videoing them.
    The New York Times have been contacting states' election officials to check for voter fraud. This is their front page for today:


    I'll let you pay a few loonies to read behind the firewall.
    Joe Biden is approaching 306 electoral votes, well past the 270 votes needed to win the Presidency. Remember the saying, "Possession is 9/10ths of the Law."
    Repeat that last line a few times in your echo chamber.

    mr perfect

  6. The pretzel logic is most bizarre.

    Not to mention illuminating...

    Thanks everyone.


  7. I like Biden’s zen like Mona Lisa smile over trumps temper tantromish flailing. It probably bugs trump more than strident arguement as time marches on to Dec.14 and Jan.19 which are inexorably approaching. Biden could send a musical telegram with Nick Lowe’s AMERICAM SQUIRM but he probably won’t.

  8. Bruce--

    Now that would be a great move!


  9. They're leaki MN g north...

