Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Dean Buries Mr. Cullen's Lede.


After futzing around for twenty-five straight paragraphs about how hard it is to estimate the scope, in dollar terms, of money laundering in British Columbia, the Vancouver Sun's Vaughn Palmer finally gets to the kicker of Commissioner Austin Cullen's interim report at the very bottom of his latest column:

...“The failure to respond to money laundering activity sends a message that unlawful and socially destructive activity will be tolerated.”

Mindful of the possibility that the activity has been too-often tolerated in B.C., he (Cullen) adds: “It leaves custodians of the political and economic system open to criticism that they are complicit in that enterprise of criminality and encourages those involved in criminal conduct to continue their unlawful behaviour.”

The latter sounds like one of those keeper quotes, to be played back if the final report, as expected, faults the previous B.C. Liberal government for negligence or worse in dealing with money laundering in B.C.


Ya think?

Subheader?  Again, ...This.
Mr. Cullen's full interim report is...Here.



  1. Rich Coleman's boss in 2008 was Gordon Campbell. When are we going to hear from him?

    CBC Premier awaits review of casino allegations
    Solicitor General John van Dongen worked hand in hand with Premier Gordon Campbell

    Money laundering allegations that will be followed up and we will make sure that the gaming policy in our province is properly protected," Campbell said from Beijing

  2. That's a very good question NVG.

    Is the good Mr. C. on the docket?


  3. Well that link didn't work, but this one should to Public Eye Online tagged ......
