Friday, December 11, 2020

Zombie Lawsuit Killed, Dead, By Activist Trump Judges.


We talked about this lawsuit yesterday...

And now, as David Smith of The Guardian reports, it is dead.

Here is the lede:

The US supreme court has unanimously rejected a baseless lawsuit filed by Texas seeking to overturn the presidential election result, dealing the biggest blow yet to Donald Trump’s assault on democracy.

In a brief, one page order, all nine justices on America’s highest court dismissed the longshot effort to throw out the vote counts in four states that the president lost: Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin...

And here is the kicker:

...Trump had long expressed hope that a disputed election would go before the supreme court, to which he appointed three justices during his term, ensuring a 6-3 conservative majority. Earlier on Friday he tweeted: “If the Supreme Court shows great Wisdom and Courage, the American People will win perhaps the most important case in history, and our Electoral Process will be respected again!”

But hours later, his hopes of a political miracle were all but extinguished. The supreme court wrote: “The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution."....

Regardless, do not for (less than) one femtosecond (to the negative fourth power!) think that this will slow Mr. Trump's fundraising juggernaut.





  1. This is where the court gets to thumb its nose at the Donald, knowing that even hearing this petition would be toxic for them and for the institution, but knowing also that there will be many opportunities to throw bricks in the pond. Just finished reading The Debt Myth, Stephanie Kelton's treatise (for the economics unwashed) about Modern Monetary Theory, and all the inspiration and yessiree faded quickly with the thought of any contemporary governing clan taking on a more relaxed attitude about government spending what with the likelihood that the manna of support would likely continue to fall in the baskets of the same folks currently favoured while the rest of us would languish in the same Hobbesian morass that currently constitutes the lot of many. The court may not be stupid, but it looks a lot like a weapon of conservatism and cronyism.

  2. Not dead... yet. The Supremes pointed the way for the Trumpanzees to file an acceptable application - it must come from an affected state.

    I would not be surprised to see another application coming from at least one of the four named states this coming week.

  3. Point taken Anon - thanks.




    And that weapon must be retained at all costs.

    (actually working on an economic disparity post based on that recent Rand Corp report)


  4. The supremes have knocked down this one, but they are still coming thick and fast, and still getting tossed.

    But hey, while all it take sis an e-mail, someone else is paying for it and we are all making money why not? .

  5. Keith--

    One can only wonder, in the end, how many of team Trump's lawyers will get stiffed...


  6. Hey Ross,

    When Ted Cruz is as good as it gets, and the chief legal mind is an extra in a Borat movie, it’s not as if the lawyers are under any illusion who they are working for or what their roles are, maybe getting paid directly through the election fraud fund, bypassing the stiffer in chief.?

    And the grifting beat goes on; Sidney Powell dumped by Rudy who said she was no longer part of the team. Behold, she and her team are still going to bat for the cause in Michigan, pro bono I presume.?

    After 50 + cases and counting. At what point does a judge sanction these lawyers and/or refer them to their respective bar associations for the constant stream of lawsuits with no facts or proof.?

  7. Keith--

    And Ms. Powell's super-top secret Spidey-Sense/Secret Sauce source has recently proven to be something less...

