Monday, December 28, 2020

What If The Numbers In Mr. Coleman's Vaccine Dissing Tweet Were Even Remotely Correct?


On Boxing Day, the former BC Liberal government Minister of Everything, Rich Coleman, posted the following, since deleted, tweet:


There are currently a little over five million people in British Columbia.


Even if the good Mr. Coleman was anywhere near correct with his numbers, well...

That would mean at least an extra ten thousand fewer British Columbians dead without the vaccines.

Which further means, according to the good Mr. Coleman at least, that the deleted tweet just 'wasn't that funny'.

Or some such thing.




  1. I call him 'Dirty' Rich because EVERYTHING he touches turns to dust.

  2. Awe shucks Mr. Coleman, what was the point you were trying to make? Could it be that it's all no big deal, just the flu etc etc? For a former minister of everything, not a good rabbit hole to go down, although, he did manage to support the money laundering economy for how many years? BC Waterboy

  3. My understanding is that since big Rich has left the world of dirty politics that he so joyfully participated in, he has now undertaken the world of the evangelicals, which tends to be home to the majority of anti-vaxers.

    Sooo- was he really trying to be funny???

  4. I would suggest that when he was minister of everything that is how he ran the government. He just didn't care, in my opinion, about the extra 10K dead. that included seniors not getting what they needed, keeping 1 in 5 children at 50% below the poverty line, not having mental health facilities for those who needed it, drug re hab and housing for those who needed it, the women who Pickton killed 49--the women who died on the Highway of Tears. He didn't care and he said it loud and clear. May he rot in hell. O.K. I don't believe in hell or heaven but I'd sure like to see the sob tried in the Hague for crimes against humanity.

    He may not care and neither in my opinion did the rest of the Socreds/B.C. Lieberals about the general population. An extra 10K dead, they didn't care, as long as they and their friends made money. But it is those of us who lost one person or a 100 people who cared. It maybe easy for him to talk about loosing an extra 10K but if its your one person who died, you never get over it. Years later the pain is there. At some level I'd like to inflict that pain on him. People die. They leave friends, lovers, parents, neighbours behind and they all grieve. I haven't lost any one to COVID, but sure did when aids came around. It doesn't matter what the reason/disease, when some one you love or even hate, dies, you can never make it better again. You can't see them ever again, except in a picture.
    That is all some of us have left is a picture and memories and Rich Coleman is a piece of shit, thinking 10K extra dead wouldn't be a problem. Take the sob to the Hague.

  5. Rich tries to make it sound like he reflected and deleted the tweet because he decided all by his lonesome self that it wasn’t funny. As opposed to receiving an immediate online backlash.

    Reflection, meet deflection.

  6. Mr. Rich Coleman has always put himself first, whether its his First Person bio on OUR BC Legislature website:

    "...... In recognition of his tireless and long-term work in the community, Rich has been awarded both the Rotary's top honour, the Paul Harris Fellowship, and the Kinsmen's highest honour, the Hal Rogers Fellowship. Rich was the second person ever honoured with the Hal Rogers Fellowship – the first being Kin founder Hal Rogers himself."

    Whereas Kin Canada says otherwise Rich. It was a third place finish because the Committee decided that Diane Rogers, the daughter of Harold A. Rogers, has been MORE involved that Rich.

    "Harold A. Rogers, Order of Canada, Order of the British Empire, Founder of Kin Canada (posthumously)

    Diane Rogers, Life Member and daughter of Founder Hal Rogers

    Hon. Rich Coleman, B.C. Cabinet Minister, MLA and Life Member of the Kinsmen Club of Aldergrove

    Bill Skelly, Life Member of the Kinsmen Club of Edmonton

    Jim Watson, Life Member of the Kinsmen Club of Port Coquitlam"
