Monday, December 21, 2020

Who's The Activist Now?


What's the big deal, you ask?

Well, first this:

Second, this:

And just in case it's not crystal clear what's really going on, the kinda/sorta masthead of former Clarklandian speechwriter Maclean Kay's way right-listing media organ


'Tip o the Toque to Union Will on the Twittmachine for the heads-up....Would have missed this as the good Mr. Shaw blocked me ages ago.



  1. Blocked me too when I questioned him on his biased Plecas reporting and asked him if he was going to apologize. Now he is fully out for the right winger and shill reporter he appeared to be.

  2. Anon-Above--


    He don't need no stiinking questions!

    (or some such post-Sierra Madre, Brooksian-type thing)


  3. Ross, if Laila Yuile is an activist, then Rob Shaw must be as well. Unfortunately he has a much bigger right wing platform to spin his biases. As for Baldry, he has been much more supportive of the province's covid response than Sussman. The latter constantly spews more "gotcha" questions than Baldry. even when they have already been effectively and appropriately answered. RG

  4. RG--

    In my opinion there are certain members of the Legislative Press Gallery who will always do their best to protect their 'inside access' status. One way to do that is to make sure not to ask the types of tough questions that will cause the 'mods' to choose others at highly controlled pressers. This is expedient rather than ideological and I would further suggest that the Keef has a history of acting just such a manner.

    (and yes, the archives do have a memory and we're going to keep using them)


  5. There is no question Ross, that Baldry's calm demeanor has ulterior motives. He was that way with Mr. Hahn and BC Liberals. Palmer, Sussman and company were also soft on the BC Libs when they were in power, but not with the then opposition. RG

  6. RG--

    The Baldrey - Hahn 'collaboration'?

    The archives have it!

    The flipside of all that cosiness from a guy like the Keef who was only too happy to act as PR spigot spreader for Mr. Hahn is that it makes it easy for the latter fine fellow to shut out real reporters who actually follow leads where they actually take them like, say, Chris Montgomery:

    "...In the days just following the ferry sinking, Chris Montgomery, a Province reporter who has long led the pack in maritime news, broke stories about the Queen of the North's delayed decommission date and the inaccurate passenger manifests. But after Montgomery co-wrote a story claiming an RCMP investigation into possible criminal negligence by B.C. Ferries was underway, Hahn publicly took issue with the claim that B.C. Ferries was itself the target of the investigation. An RCMP representative told The Tyee the difference of opinion between Montgomery and Hahn is one of "semantics," though a criminal investigation can not be formally announced until the TSB issues its report, possibly years away.

    In the meantime, B.C. Ferries no longer returns Montgomery's phone calls..."

    My understanding, based on information from a reliable source, is that the good Mr. Hahn also tried to have copies of newspapers with Ms. Montgomery's stories in them removed from BC Ferries' giftshops, etc.

    Imagine that!


  7. Baldrey is not a journalist. Shill if anything.

  8. Happy Boxing Day.

    Christmas was different but still O.K. as to who and who aren't "activists", given its Christmas they can all consider themselves activists and it will be our gift to them, even if they aren't. What does it cost us to let them be delusional for one day. Hey some believe in Santa Claus. Other want to believe they are "activists", have at it.

    Merry Ho Ho and next stop Ukrainian Christmas and Regular New Year and Ukranian New Year then we get to see the back end of trump and hello to Biden/Harris. Trump thought he was a president, these think they're activity leaders or some such thing. Not sure what Baldrey is any more except attached to his pay check.

  9. I believe we're all activists. Right, left, lieberal, ndp, green, matters not. Activists.
