Thursday, March 18, 2021

Vaccines....Doing That Thing They Do.

The above is from New Brunswick cartoonist Dawny Mock.

It went, pun intended, 'viral' recently thanks to the Canadian Medical Association.

Header-induced earworm wriggling?...
There is the fauxish original and there is the Billy Joe's no idiot version.


  1. I still can see my scar very faintly and the cartoon is correct. it worked.

  2. The artwork may have come from a cartoonist, but it should be viewed as a public service announcement.

    In addition to Smallpox, Diphtheria, Polio, Pertussis (whooping cough) Tetanus were some vaccines I had as a baby / young child in Britain via the recently formed post war National Health Service.

    I’m a retired baby boomer, along with a multitude of others in great health, longer life expectancy than our predecessors, due in no small measure to the vaccination programs of the day – 1950s, and access to free health care as public health policy as well as for the public good.

    Not bothered about vaccines or the efficacy, ? google “ polio child images.”

    Neil Young contracted polio.

    As did my immediate neighbour, living with the aftermath for 60 plus years.

    Recommended Canadian vaccine schedule,

    Cool vid, from Billy Joe.
