Saturday, March 20, 2021

Erin O'Toole Learns That The Conservative Party Of Canada Is Full Of Conservatives.


Mr. O'Toole, the man who would like Canadians to believe that he and his will meet them 'in the middle' during the next federal election campaign, made his case to the CPC faithful at their convention earlier today as reported by John Paul Tasker of the CBC:

...O'Toole told delegates the party "cannot ignore the reality of climate change" and that the debate "is over."

"We must also recognize that Canadians expect us to have a real plan for the environment. We need to boldly reclaim the environment as an area where Conservatives are leaders," he said.

O'Toole also said he doesn't want Conservative candidates to be branded as "climate change deniers" in the next election campaign...

A few hours later a majority of the faithful told O'Toole where to go:

...Conservative delegates at the party's policy convention have voted to reject adding green-friendly statements to the policy book — including a line that would have stated the party believes "climate change is real" and is "willing to act."...


...Delegates issued a rebuke to climate-minded Conservatives and rejected the policy shift by a margin of 54 per cent to 46...

This could get interesting.

SubHeader Earworm rising?....This.



  1. Silly people, those CPC folks. How do they expect their leader to lie to the public re caring about climate change if they don’t play along?

  2. I dunno Lew--

    I reckon the braintrust running Mr. O'Toole just might be willing to take a few more shots at the 'big tent' gambit figuring that the base has nowhere else to go.

    Of course, if they do try that you can bet that they already have 10,000 phasers set to (way more than?) stun on all the Mad Maxian types lurking in their midst/the weeds.

    (Greg Finnegas has an interesting take, which is that the big tent thing will collapse and Mr. O'Toole will immediately run back to the far right Harperite corner, thus giving the NDP a chance to once again become the electoral alternative to the big red Laurentian machine).


  3. Jason Kenny supported O’Toole’s leadership bid. That’s all I need to know about O’Toole’s real concern about climate change or any other environmental issue.

    When push comes to shove (and it will), it will be Mr. O’Toole with no place left to go.

  4. I remember the Talking heads, not the song, but its interesting. Do remember what I called the "roll over" the drummer did. Best at that was Eddie Cochran, but this drummer is good.

    Now as to Mr. O'Toole and how he differs from the party. voters may go for him and ignore the individuals. They may think Mr. O'Toole could keep his M.P.s in line and ignore the party platform. However, I noticed some where the suggestion that Trudeau may have a mini budget which he intends to morph into a majority government.

    Should the Cons. loose this election, expect O'Toole to resign and a new leader to come out. That would either be some back wards idiot in the Kenny vein, or even Kenny himself or Ford, with a get in line or get out attitude. Of course Ford may decide being Premier is so much easier than trying to deal with that bunch over in the national Con party.

    If the Cons don't do better, they may find they are no longer the party of anything and die a natural death while other parties pass them. It maybe the Conservative party decides its going to split. A more progressive party such as a Progressive Party of Canada might have a place in the natural political landscape of this country.

    Now its time to be careful, follow the protocols, wait your turn for the vaccine so you can see how the story with the Cons turns out. Well that's my plan

  5. e.a.f.--

    Didn't E.C. play pretty much everything?....The player to watch in the Talking Heads' PsychoKiller is bassist Tina Weymouth - definitely no filler there.

    If the CPC goes down again it will be interesting to see what happens internally, especially with Mr. Harper making noises from the wings. I can see what Mr. O'Toole is trying to do and there are things on his checklist that would actually be good if he really did them, including setting up a vaccine production facility.


  6. Oh, no not harper, please, we're just getting through the pandemic and then toss in harper as we're getting better. no, no, no, no, no, ,please no. The pay as leader of the official oppostion isn't bad, so if he needs a job, there it is, comes with a house also. Don't think he has taken the world by storm as hoped. Lets hope the party and Canadian voters decide he is truly yesterday's person. Any P.M. who passes 8 pieces of legislation which he had been told were in contravention of our constitution is not what we need in this country. lets not forgot who he hired for security back in the day for Preston Manning.

    Noticed the bassist. I'll go back and have a second look. I was sort of focused on the drummer.

  7. went back and had another listen. Upp, those guitars wailed!! would like to have a computer which took out the other music and just heard the guitars. Amazing. Then went to listen to their version in 2002 at the Induction to the Hall of Fame. The fire is gone, except for the drummer. And no one is wearign red pants this time. Do have to say the lead singer did get better looking but the music, well, the fire is gone. Of course after all those years..........
    Saw there is a re mastered version of the 1980 version, might give that a try.

    For Mr. O'Toole to keep control, he needs to sound like the guitars of 1980.

    IF we do not have strong opposition parties, the lead party usually goes off the rails at some point and that doesn't work for the democracy.

  8. What we see is American Trump/Evangelicalism, pervading into Canada.

    Religion and politics don't mix, but the hard core American right is now in firm control of the Conservative Party and this is much to the delight of Trudeau the younger in the next election.

    With the NDP committing Hari-Kari and the Conservatives disemboweling themselves on climate change and abortion, Trudeau should have an easy run.

    If O'Toole had any moral sense, he should step down immediately, but he won't.

    Canadian politics, a cesspool of vile ignorance and lucrative corruption.

  9. Evil Eye,

    I wouldn't say the NDP is committing suicide. They're doing what they think is best to move the party along. We may not see the results of that for another election cycle or so and some of it may depend upon what the conservatives do.

    The NDP did well with Jack Layton, and a couple of times with Broadbent, but the rest of the time, the NDP just hung in there and pushed for things other parties didn't believe in or didn't want. The NDP is back where it used to be. Having watched the party since the days of David Lewis, no Tommy Douglas, there are ups and down.

    Politics isn't always about moral sense. its about politics and moral sense and politics don't always mix. That is the reality of life and politics. the first thing I learned about politics, is the first rule is getting power and then handing onto it. Every thing is secondary. That applies to all parties.

    If O'Toole were to step down, who would take over the party? Perhaps more right wing religious zealots? Who needs that. If O'Toole thinks he can make a differance and change the party a bit, then I'd suggest he give it a shot. Its not that I'm a Conservative or a fan, I'm over on the left, with the NDP. However, without a strong opposition party the party in power usually runs amuck or there is a change in leadership and you get some one like Paul Martin in the Liberal Party. Not a great idea.

    If O'Toole resigns after the next election, if he looses, then fine, but then it may be the end of the party of manning and harper and there may be a chance the Conservatives will re build back like the Progessive Conservative party of Canada with another party which contains the zeolots, the religious gong show, the climate deniers, etc.

    Over on the left we had the NPD and then we had the Greens. Its working over on that side, why not on the right. In a democarcy everyone should be able to find a place to park their vote. If they can't they stop voting and that is not good for a democracy.
