Thursday, January 18, 2024

A True (But Definitely Not Blue) Super Spreader.

A super spreader of disinformation that is...


Meanwhile, in old Blighty, a country that is still being ruled by the party of the whackaloons:

In England, the Birmingham Children’s Hospital is currently grappling with a major outbreak of measles. More than 50 children have been hospitalized in the past month. Vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles and polio remain a public health threat. And with childhood vaccine hesitancy—or simply outright refusal—on the rise in the U.K., U.S. and Europe, the problem is likely to worsen...


 ...The spike in cases is fueled by vaccine hesitancy towards the measles, mumps and rubella shot. According to National Health Service England, in December 2022 the MMR vaccination rate in the Birmingham region was around 83%. To optimally protect the population, a rate of at least 95% is critical...

Enough said?



  1. As a well-known Brummie band hinted, they're paranoid in Birmingham. Unfortunately, that can lead to negative outcomes...

    And so as you hear these words
    Telling you now of my state
    I tell you to enjoy life
    I wish I could, but it's too late!

  2. I grew up in the age of Polio, we were vaccinated - what's Polio?

    enough said!

  3. The world has gone totally nuts.

  4. Sadly this is understandable.

    Consider that most persons of authority are now suspect due to their inability to confront the ones that control the purse strings.
    We have been let down so many times that a quiet revolution exists!
    Those that revolt are rudderless and strike out at anything in their way..
    It's a world wide phenomenon.


  5. You'd think people would take the hint when unvaccinated children die of some of these diseases. Guess more children will have to die before parents wake up to the fact vaccines save lives.

    I too grew up in a time prior to polio vaccines. People frequently didn't know how it spread. Many of us were kept in our yards and not permitted to play with the other kids. We were not to go near ditches or pools of standing water.

    One of the children I started grade one, her father had died due to polio and her mother was confined to a wheel chair. I've never turned down a vaccine. I'd rather take my chances with the vaccine than the disease.

    Sometimes wonder, following the death of one child in a family because the child was not vaccinated, do the parents have their remaining children vaccinated?

  6. e.a.f.

    you asked, I used this search criteria:

    "what are the odds of one child isn't given a vaccine, polio, parents decision, will the other child be given the vaccine"

    'a i' suggested

    Search only for what are the odds if one child isn't given a vaccine, polio, parents decision, will the other child be given the vaccine

    Dr. Robert W. Sears: Why Partial Vaccinations May Be an Answer

  7. Yes - thanks, as always, for doing the digging Dave!

