Friday, January 19, 2024

First They Came For The Sociologists...


Post-secondary rank-and-file academics like myself live a very good life.

Oh, sure, there's lots of complaining and moaning about all manner of petty things, including some of the stuff that I was kinda/sorta jokingly moaning about last fall.

But here's the thing - regardless the teaching load and/or administrative duties, in a job like this you still have a good chunk of time to do what you want when it comes to your  'scholarly' activity. Personally, I'm lucky enough that I get to spend most of that time working with a fantastic group of people, many of them young and energized, trying to make a small dent in the universe.

There is an off-shoot to this scholarly stuff that boomerangs back into the administrative realm, however. This is acting as an independent/outside 'referee' for folks going forward for such things as tenure and promotion. Given that I have been around for a long time and have a pretty good handle on what's significant (and what is not) in my field, I get a reasonable number of requests to be such a referee.

Essentially, the requests come from the institution involved. Normally, if I deem myself appropriate to give an informed review, I'm happy to oblige because that's the way our world works, no questions asked.

The exception to this rule of thumb occurred last fall when I declined such a request on principle because of concerns that had been raised on a number of front's about a certain US'ian state government's highjacking of their public post-secondary system, this being just one particularly egregious example.


It turns out that things keep getting worse for post-secondary education in the Sunshine State:

Last fall, with little explanation, Florida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. proposed removing sociology from the menu of courses university students can take to meet graduation requirements. On Wednesday, he spoke more clearly, suggesting that sociology studies could veer into “identity politics or theories,” in violation of a new state law.

“Students should be focused on learning the truth about our country instead of being radicalized by woke ideology in our college classrooms,” Diaz said in comments to the State Board of Education.

A short time later, the board unanimously approved two rules that will apply to Florida’s 28 state colleges. One prohibits spending on diversity efforts. The other removes sociology as an option to fulfill state requirements for what are known as the “general education” or “core” courses that all students must take...


...“I think the statute is clear that, within the general education core code, courses may not distort significant historical events or include curriculum that teaches identity politics or theories,” Diaz said. “And I think when you go into the sociology course, you’re talking about theories, and that’s an option that students have to explore those theories in a nongeneral education course.”...

Now, if you've been stopping by here occasionally for awhile (and/or have clicked through on the first link, above) you will know that I do not ply my scholarly trade in the humanities.


Leaving aside all those 'theories' that are taught all over the place for the moment, including in biology courses where evolution often comes up,  there is the following to consider, as noted by fellow academic PZ Myers:

'...First they came for the sociology departments, but I was not a sociologist...'

Enough said?




  1. Dark days for sure down there. I’m sure this rwnj tactic will spread elsewhere.At some point there will be a bad end to all this, people will be hurt. Those responsible, those doing as described in the article you linked, will hopefully be held accountable.


  2. Graham--

    What I find most troubling is not the true believers but those that go along with this type of stuff in the name of political expediency and/or the grift of it all.


  3. One small step towards a religious state.
    And one that is based upon theory rather than fact!,commonly%20dated%20to%2030%20or


  4. TB--

    Good point.

    But, according to Tiny D Theocracy, Inc., there is no room for theories in foxholes.


    Is it possible that they're getting theories mixed up with atheists?

    (and, yes, the choice of the work at the link above was purposeful was written by a sociologist)


  5. Many of those true believers seem to think there is some “getting even” that is necessary. They are really going after all those that they think have benefited somehow with democratic or left leaning governments. This would be the non whites, the LGBTQ people, the less fortunate, those who are teaching that American history isn’t all about glory and honour, those who feel that we should have more inclusive societies. Among others. These rwnj’s want to claw all sorts of gains back. And they want to shove their ideology down everyones throat and give no other alternative or avenues for those who disagree to just avoid it.
    The ones going along are giving tacit approval of these actions and it is tainting their cause, their campaigns, their groups.
    To then try and make money from it is the most obscene act of all. I think here in Canada pp is trying to do this and quite successfully.

  6. Newspeak--Newthink.

    The re education camps of China and North Korea come to mind.

    It's all a matter of time.


  7. Trail Blazer has a point there. Here they use P.R. systems to fool us into thinking this is a good thing. In other countries, they're just more clear about what they are doing. End result is the same, march to their drum or you're gone.

    The point of the American education system over the past number of decades has been the dumbing down of the system. first they removed this or that, then the book bans, the word bans and now whole sciences are being removed. Some may suggest sociology is not a science, but I don't agree. Sociology studies helps us understand our society, our selves, governments, etc. and enables people to make informed decisions. The elimination of sociology will prevent people from moving forward, there will be no studies of how improved housing, medicazl care, education helps society. the elimination of sociology will result in an old theory, those born below the salt ought to remain there. They're not smart enough to join those above the salt and that is their lot in life.
    Do recall some used to use the bible to argue slavery was god's will along with denying women, children human rights.
    In the eyes of some, the pendulum has swung too far and now they want to "right" things. whc benefits? Not you, not me, but the corporations andn their share holders.

    The line about others bearing gifts, one animal killing the other--its what they do, etc. those stories wheren't created just for the fun of it.

    If you're not going to do it for yourself, do it for your kids. If this continues your grand childre, etc. will be living much like your ancestors did with few rights.

    Funny about this post, yesterday was discussing: first they came for the..... and how it applies in the current world situation. I recall this was also taught in some shop steward courses by Unions.

    People might want to remember the Nazis didn't just come for the Jews and the usual groups, they came for Priests of the Catholic Church, they came for doctors, lawyers, any one who disagreed with the official Nazi line, they came for the disabled, the mentally ill. So have a look around your family and friends and see who would "go". Florida is a good place to start with this "work" and removing sociology is a good subject to eliminate. Many will simply say who needs sociology, we need math, sciences, electricians, etc. We need sociology more than the other subjects,

    When the Nazis were working on the "arian" plan, you had to be able to produce the baptismal certificates of all 4 grandparents. If you couldn't you were on think ice. Sociology courses do cause people to stop and think about that sort of thing and ask why does that matter?

    After WW II the line was, "Never Again". Mom's line was, "it can always happen again".
