Saturday, May 11, 2024

Anti-Climate Change Government Uses Climate Change-Driven Events To Justify Term Extension.


You think I'm joking?

From the invaluable blogging/reporting man on the other side of the Rockies, David Climenhaga:

The United Conservative Party announced yesterday it would use the potential for spring forest fires three years from now as an excuse to extend its term in office by four and a half months...


“With natural disasters like wildfires, drought, and floods more likely to occur in the spring and summer months, moving Alberta’s election date from May to October just makes sense,” said Justice Minister Mickey Amery, who was also trotted out at the news conference along with the Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz, Forestry Minister Todd Loewen, and Emergency Services Minister Mike Ellis...

Imagine that!

Earworm in the sub-header?...Of course....This!



NVG said...

One cubic meter of snow, with a density of 200 kg/m3, would turn into 0.2 cubic metres (or 200 litres) of water.

GarFish said...
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GarFish said...

Cue up Alanis Morissette, you know the song!

Evil Eye said...

As the Trumpian/GOP/MAGA disease spreads across the 49th, it is time to reflect on how democracy is destroyed and authoritarian regimes rise.

This political pustular ooze must be stopped, at all costs or we well loose any thought of Canada being a democratic nation.

Anonymous said...

i would say that is undemocratic

Graham said...

Can you imagine the hullabaloo and the absolute freak out by all parties that lean to the RWNJ side if JT went and did a thing like that? The sonic pitch from the screeching would break glass.

Trailblazer said...

Daniel Smith is Alberta's Nero as she plays the fiddle whilst Alberta burns.

JP said...

The fall election will be postponed due to leaves falling.
The winter election postponed due to snow.
the next election postponed due to poor poll numbers.
and after that there will be no more elections because we don't want to


Anonymous said...

A violation of our charter rights and freedoms to delay.?

Trailblazer said...

Up is down and down is up ; it's the new news!
Yet we accept this shit with little or no comment as it simplifies our complicated lives.
Fake news devours us and we swallow it daily.
Fake news has been around since we have had mass consolidated media whose barons of news manipulate society to their own needs!!


e.a.f. said...

Has any one checked calendars or planned events or the end of some contracts to see why this change was made because the weather line is in keeping with the dog ate my home work.