Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Macau On The Fraser?


Further to yesterday's post (and today's muted headlines)....

A very good backgrounder on the request from the BC Lottery Corp that the City of Vancouver 'modify' the moratorium against super/mega/uber casinos in Lotusland was written by Sandy Garossino, Ian Pitfield and Andy Yan and published in The Tyee.

Essentially the trio ask what the hurry is and why the need for such quietude:

Thirteen years after the BC Lottery Corp. failed in a major casino expansion effort in Vancouver, it’s back to try again.

And already things seem sketchy. The public is not getting the whole story. And the BCLC doesn’t want to give it to us.

BCLC is backing a motion before city council (in committee) on Wednesday morning to lift the moratorium on gambling expansion in Vancouver. There’s a hushed urgency to this whole process. What’s the rush here? And why so quiet?...

Clearly, there is something we are not being told here.

And I have a feeling that thing involves yet another push to make us Pottersville on the Salish Sea or, worse, Macau on the Fraser.

If you get my drift.

Tip O' The Toque to reader Graham for the heads-up.



  1. Did the BCLC donate to ABC Vancouver last election? Where can one find out such things?

  2. I don't know if this link to the BC Legislative Library will provide enough backgrounder for today's discussion. The left hand side of the link show all, concerning BC Lottery

    British Columbia lottery corporation, casino

  3. The decision to re-visit Vancouver’s years old decision to fetter gambling parlours’ operations was always going to happen. Spills straight out of ABC’s FUN CITY platform which suggests to me the city was where this ball got rolling.

  4. Macau on the Frazer!
    It's been going on since Gordon Campbell tempted the Hong Kong millionaires to invest in BC.
    His real estate supporters did not mind.
    The rest is history.


  5. GarFish--

    NVG is your man for that.

    But as for the historical connections between the BCLC 'leadership' and those they were meant to regulate?



    Thanks NVG!


    Beer (by the way, Phud or MD?)--

    Are you secretly suggesting that Brian 'Godzilla' Salmi has his hand up the puppet's back here?



    History, indeed.

    And do not forget, for even one minute, that most of the Lords of GordCo and Clarklandia are still out there working the refs as best they can.

    Heckfire, one of them is even getting ready run with Prince of Political Expediency himself, the good Mr. Poilievre.


  6. Salmi, the best mayoral candidate my city has had the pleasure of placing on a civic ballot, would have his hand up the city’s backside methinks. (Also, I heard Canada needs more medical doctors so…you get what you pay for!)

  7. Ha!

    Now stop fiddling with the dial and get back to the hockey game...


  8. If the BCLC corporation wants the rules modified, it means Premier Eby wants the rules modified.

    I hate to say it, but laundered or non laundered monies is now infiltrating the NDP.

    On that bright note, I am now thinking how to spend that $110 bribe Eby is giving, vote buying. Someone should tell the rube that kind of money doesn't even buy a tank of gas these days.

  9. re-read the 10 year old post. The first thing which went through my brain, was "Its all coming back to me now" or "Here we go again".
    So what is it all about Alfie when Sims and co. decide to vote on more slot machines, etc. Does the size of Vancouver warrant more places to gamble? Will it draw more visitors to Vancouver?--not so much. Was this a thought out of ABC's program or did some one advise them this is how things were going to work? Why would a political group on Council want more gambling in B.C. when we have a history of some very unwelcome events--money laundering, loan sharking, gangs, Ah how many $20 bills fit into a hockey bag?
    Given the social/criminal issues we have in Vancouver you wonder why some one or a group of some ones would want to build a new casino or expand exsisting ones in Vancouver. Its not like any one wants to be in downtown Vancouver. Who will own the land? Has a company already bought the land? Is this the new plan to privitize policing in downtown Vancouver to rid the city of the homeless and ill? Casinos have security people and they won't be constrainted by the usual laWS and many citizens won't care.

    When it all died down and Sam Cooper wasn't writing about the gambling/money laundering, etc. anymore you'd get the impression it was all over and all was good. Having watched B.C. politics since about 1959, not much changes. Different names but the same games.

    It is doubtful Eby is involved in this. The expenses and liabilities out weigh any benefits. The City might take in an additional $3M and change, but that isn't enough to make any real difference in the grand scheme of things. There is something bigger coming, don't know what, but something is up. The City has decided to implement paid parking at Spanish banks to make an extra million and change a year. On the other hand, many won't be able to go to the beach anymore at $1 an hr. parking. A day at the beach might now cost $8 a day. That's dinner for some families.
    Perhaps this casino thing has more to do with the proposed re zoning of land for housing. Makes me wonder what el gordo is up to these days. We see Christy Clark on t.v. giving her opinion on various things, as if she had an insight to anything beyond the increase in her own bank account.
    If I live another 10 years I will know what was up. Not having much to do for the next 10 years, might hang around to watch. Perhaps some of the population believe Eby will be gone and the Conservatives will take over and things will be a little more "easy" for some.
    The problem as I see it, is a lot of the people involved in these things are just not that good at this and are amaturish about their activities.

    Thank you for the post.

  10. well isnt that a quick win?

