Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Vancouver Not Vegas (Maybe)...


Here we go again...

Vancouver council is being asked to "modify" the 2011 moratorium on gambling expansion to allow Hastings Racecourse and Parq Casino to expand the number of slot machines and table games at its locations.

Parq currently operates 600 slots and 61 gaming tables, while Hastings has 446 slots and no tables. A staff report that goes before council May 8 doesn’t say how many slots or tables could be added to the two gambling venues.

The report, however, says the BC Lottery Corporation (BCLC) has projected the City of Vancouver’s share of potential increased revenues to be in the range of $2.6 million to $5 million.

For any expansion to be considered, council would have to lift or modify the gambling expansion moratorium established in 2011 by the Gregor Robertson-led Vision Vancouver council...


I guess that means that the laundry 'problem' has been taken care of, right?

VANCOUVER — Self-professed students were buying multimillion-dollar homes in the Vancouver area, with dubious sources of income, or none at all.

A family of modest means transferred at least 114 million Canadian dollars to British Columbia.

Loan sharks cleaned their dirty money by giving garbage bags and hockey bags full of illicit Canadian 20 dollar bills to gamblers who took it onto casino floors.

Those were just some of the findings from a long-awaited report into money laundering in Canada’s western province of British Columbia...


  1. Vancouver's boosters and politicians great wet dream is making Vancouver a "world class" city.

    The Canada line had to be in a subway because "world class cities" have subways.

    The Broadway subway is demanded by the CoV, because subways make Vancouver a "world class" city.

    The province is going to spend $500 million for an over hyped soccer tournament because Vancouver is a "world class",city.

    So, Vancouver must be the ground zero for money laundering, because multinational criminal operations and organized crime syndicates only happen in "world class" cities.

    You want Vancouver to be "world class"? Just build more subways, sports arenas, and casinos and you instantly become "world class"!

  2. Also in the Tyee…

  3. Money yells, and it's also patient!

  4. World class can kiss my ass ; i've won the lottery at last!

    Hubris at it's best.


  5. Not keen at all on expanding gambling in vancouver or anywhere in the province. Gambling is an addiction and for some it destroys lives and families. Its not like the city's population has grown that much that it requires that number of additional slot machines. However given the City would get a cut, it is one way of "sending" money to politicians. Money laundering is still big business in B.C. Lets not make it any easier. Money laundering also didn't help the price of homes for working people.
    Interesting they want it at the track where people are already gambling and its not that far from the DTES. Handy though for people looking to launder money. B.C. has had enough problems with money laundering. Just because its not being reported on anymore doesn't mean it stopped. Vancouver has enough social problems. It doesn't need to add more.

  6. Money laundering continues unabated as those who launder money have adapted to changes in procedures and the law.

    In fact, laundering drug money is rather easy, if one sets one mind to it.

    In my time on this orb, I have met several small time crooks, who to their endeavours, needed to launder money.

    Keno machines found a most pubs and lottery kiosks are good ways to launder money on a small scale. The purchase of fine art is another way to launder money as many pieces of fine art are sold privately and then when the money launderer sells via auction, he gets clean money.

    Of course casinos are the prime area of money laundering, but too many eyes are on the prize, there. Land development and land speculation are also big on the list of cleansing money and the allowing of numbered companies tells that tale.

    I have been told that BC's real economy, the underground economy or "black market" is what keeps the province's finances rolling and the tight-rope laws supposedly to stop money laundering, only hides it more.

    In fact, I can go so far as to say, the majority of politcal donations in our politic is from unlaundered money, buying politicians to enable future rules to make the laundering of money easier.

  7. Evil Eye, for a Richmond kid you sure have it figured out, but then it was a good place to learn these things.
    The money laundering information made me laugh, omg, a former spousal unit, having some interesting associates, explained to me how some things were done in the province. O.K.
    Then I figured out how to launder money, if I wanted to. Your e.g.s are bang on.

  8. winner winner cc dinner?
