Monday, March 14, 2005

Living Vicariously....

Hanoi, NoLongerNorthVietnam

Through our friend Per.....who is now in Vietnam:

"We reached Hanoi at around 11pm after a brief rain shower, the first I've experienced since leaving Dhaka, and were dropped off (after considerable haggling and negotiating fares with the Kip, Baht and US dollars we possessed) in the city's Old Quarter next to a great hostel offering clean singles with hot water for $5 USD per night. Not having any Vietnamese Dong at our disposal, and with me $20 in debt to my Canadian traveling mates from Toronto, we forced the bus to pull over at the first ATM we had seen since Vientiane to stock up on well needed funds - 1 million Dong, about 75 USD, in my case."

Another example of what can happen to a place when certain Imperial Powers saving the world for somebody's Democracy finally get the heck out.

Also, glad to know we can now update our tired old joke about dinner and a movie costing '1 Million Lira'!

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