Saturday, March 05, 2005

They're Practically Giving It Away


There are two big public Universities in Vancouver.

And both public institutions were granted large swaths of land as an Endowment when they came into being.

And both are selling off/longterm (ie. 99yr) leasing big chunks of that land to raise money for mini Harvard-like endowments and the like.

Arguments can be made that one or the other place is doing a better job at building buzzword communities (my money is on the school on the hill).

But one thing cannot be denied. Once those lands are gone, they are gone forever.

And once they are gone they will no longer be owned the public.

The slogan of one of those Universities (the one on the penninsula) is 'Tu'um Est' which, roughly translated from the latin means...

'It is Yours'.

Which got us to wondering when we rode our bike past one of the new developments on that campus yesterday and we saw that the 'exclusive, gated' units 'start at $1,290,000.00' .....

Just who the 'You' in that slogan is anyway?

Because, clearly, it is no longer you or me.

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