Sunday, July 10, 2005

Double Trouble On The Yellowcake Road


Hey Zeuss!

Do they really talk to each other like this?

"It was 11:07 on a Friday morning, July 11, 2003, and Time magazine correspondent Matt Cooper was tapping out an e-mail to his bureau chief, Michael Duffy. "Subject: Rove/P&C," (for personal and confidential), Cooper began. "Spoke to Rove on double super secret background for about two mins before he went on vacation ..." Cooper proceeded to spell out some guidance on a story that was beginning to roil Washington. He finished, "please don't source this to rove or even WH [White House]" and suggested another reporter check with the CIA."

So it was the man working the whirlitzer while hiding behind the curtain at the end of the Yellowcake Rd. after all......

And what should happen now?

Well, Digby makes a good case for stomping down, hard, on the throttle.

".......there is no reason that Rove should not be forced to resign over this. If it were any other White House we would naturally assume it would happen. But I think that for some reason everyone, wingnuts and moonbats alike are invested in the idea that Rove is omnipotent. He's not. He's a cheap thug. And while it may be true that if he is forced to resign he will still be able to advise the president, it's also true that the president would not have his single most necessary and loyal lieutenant by his side every day. Rove is the most malevolent force in the Republican party. He's building a criminal Republican machine --- that's his legacy. It's vitally important that we stop him if he can. Wringing our hands and saying nothing will ever happen because he's Superman is a self-fulfilling prophecy."

And when they release her, does this mean that the woman wearing the soon to be jewel encrusted big book contract-financed red slippers, Ms. Miller, should be put on, to quote John Vernon:

"Double-secret Probation?"


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