Monday, July 04, 2005

No Thimersol Thank You Very Much


Somehow, don't ask us how, but during a recent rant about Live 8 and the CBC's addiction to all things Promo-Girl, we got off on a B.C. Ferries tangent:

'......if that pernicious parking purgatory at Tsawwassen, which makes the pretzellian logic of Lorne Mayencourt look like a perfectly straight line between Bute and Thurlow, is not reason enough to throw David Hahn out on his ass immediately, well I don't know what is.

Unless, of course, it turns out that Mr. Hahn has been spending a bundle on cosmetic upgrades and VIP lounges instead of on, oh say, clutches and drive trains.....'

Anyway, clearly the topic of that last sentence is something the spinmeisters running the Big Red LINO (ie. Liberal In Name Only) Machine are themselves worried about.

Why else would they wind-up their (not-yet-deposed) leader Mr. Campbell, and send him to see their favorite waterboy so that he could say this?

"Premier Gordon Campbell is linking last week's ferry crash at Horseshoe Bay with the fast ferries fiasco.

Campbell says the NDP governments of the 1990's failed to upgrade the fleet or even invest in proper maintenance.

"Everyone knows that happened in BC Ferries through the 1990's, we spent a lot of money on three ships that didn't do anybody any good, so it takes time to catch up, there are boats that are on or ships that are on order right now, and I think it'll be another two years or so before they're actually delivered."


Wonder where the LINOs learned a little trick like that? Especially given the fact that they just spent tens of millions of dollars doing (cosmetic?) refits.

Not sure exactly.

But we do know this.

In the Rovian world south of the 49th parallel this type of thing is known as the 'Innoculation for the Nation' strategy.

And boy, is my arm sore (or is that my buttock?).

Original Link Source: Big thanks, and kudos, to Aunty Bertha who's got her own real world (ie. somebody who actually, unlike Mr. Hahn, relies on our, not his, Ferries in her daily life) rant up right now.


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